Conversation Between Girls in Diapers and Neran
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
October 22nd, 23 09:42 PM
October 8th, 23 04:51 AM
We’ll make something up. Use your imagination I guess? I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea.
What should I put then. ?
October 8th, 23 03:57 AM
But busy, and I don’t think you need those details.
Well I mean
Is it early in the morning?
Did she wake up from a nap?
Where is she going
October 7th, 23 07:52 PM
Yeah that’s fair.
How do you want me to specify it?
I'm going to need more than a single line lol
October 7th, 23 07:49 PM