Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 171 to 180 of 809
Sure I'm willing to give it a try
June 4th, 23 06:50 PM
So in order to combat low population, teenagers are given the option to go to school and becomes babies so when they are physically deaged they actually act like babies. I think it could be like a fun mix of teen and baby life.
Any other questions or changed you want to make?
June 4th, 23 06:31 PM
Would you be interested in doing a baby school rp?
Never mind I scraped the idea anyways sorry
June 4th, 23 05:45 PM
Maybe Yachiru? Who do you want diapered?
Who's another bleach character who belongs in diapers
It's your turn in rangiku
May 31st, 23 12:01 AM
I think we should just focus on one for now.