Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 190 of 809
Would you like to give another try at the fairy tail one and you can leaf so we don't end up with what happened with the last one
May 30th, 23 11:53 PM
Have you seen sailor moon?
It's okay I've been busy to it's been along weekend
May 29th, 23 11:03 AM
Sorry, I’ve been partying all weekend.
Hey you okay you have been pretty MIA
Okay so let's have her come over later I want rangiku and toshi to have more moments like on where rangiku refuses to go to sleep early so she stays up talking to herself about the punishment
May 26th, 23 01:48 PM
Pretty calm for the most part but she’s also confident. Maybe just look up ‘Yoruichi Moments.’
It's been a while since I've seen bleach how dose yoruichi act again