Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 809
May 25th, 23 01:28 AM
I think you should get some experience in making the rps
And you mean my bleach idea right?
I know you have made the last few but can you make this one
May 25th, 23 01:22 AM
I’d be cool with it.
Rember that bleach I had you wanna do it
May 24th, 23 03:02 AM
It’s cool.
Oh sorry I didn't know my bad sorry to bother you
May 24th, 23 02:56 AM
Sorry I just got on and have been a bit busy.
Hey its your turn in the gambler rp
Hey I'm so sorry I just kind of vanished foe like a while I was busy but I can continue now I'm so sorry
May 20th, 23 12:58 AM
Just go on, sorry that took so long.