Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 211 to 220 of 809
May 19th, 23 06:32 PM
I think you should make this one, and I can make them more detailed.
Do you want me to make it or do you wanna also with this one can we make this one have more detailed posts?
May 19th, 23 06:13 PM
There should a thing you can add them on.
So umm dumb question how do I add tags to a thread I creat or do you wanna make the gabler rp
Alright I'll do the ending post
May 19th, 23 05:54 PM
Yeah, let’s wrap this one up.
I guess this would be a good point to end our rp or you want 1 post to rap us loose ends or you wanna start the gambler one?
May 19th, 23 02:38 AM
Super, that works for me.
But let's not have Nera get regress so she keeps acting how she dose but she is more accepting of the baby stuff