Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 291 to 300 of 809
April 27th, 23 10:27 PM
What’s your black clover idea?
Hey what do you think about the Lucy idea or the jujutsu kisen idea or maby we could do black clover becuse I have an idea with that to
April 27th, 23 07:46 PM
Defeating a monster maybe?
Well I think that should come later bit we should also have some other ideas for after the mission anything it literally can be anything any idea helps
April 27th, 23 07:42 PM
I like that, either that or they do the trial.
Do you have any idea For the Erza one maby they go on a mission or something like that
Oh well we could start something that you actuly have an idea with?
April 27th, 23 07:29 PM
Is what I meant to say.
What do you mean where to talk about this?
April 27th, 23 06:57 PM
Maybe, not gonna lie I’m not sure where to talk this.