Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 691 to 700 of 809
So after that eat would you like Shinobu to get lost also what should we do after this imma be 100% with you I have no idea where to go from here
April 4th, 23 02:05 AM
Can you play the worker in the sap I don't know how to play that character Alright I'll play who ever tye next character is
April 4th, 23 01:52 AM
That works.
When do you think we should have Shinobu get lost maby they go out to eat see a play and then when they leave they get separated and that'd when the screen with mommy happens
April 3rd, 23 10:58 PM
Mitsuri I guess.
Should mitsuri or Shinobu lead the date well who shoud
Okay I'm cool with that it makes sense alright let's do this
April 3rd, 23 09:38 PM
It means Big Baby in Japanese.
Dose that stand for something but yea I do like it