Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 711 to 720 of 809
April 3rd, 23 09:03 PM
Maybe they can’t take any clothes or stuff without their caretakers permission. Same with sweet candy like things. They can’t curse, or be mean to the other babies. They also can’t enter the swimming area without swim gear. I’m thinking they also have a curfew. Anything you wanna add?
You can just copy and paste the rules from here.
Also what do you think the rules should be for the Littles in this town
Okay I like that idea also agreed
April 3rd, 23 08:52 PM
Pretty much, it would also help make some funny moments like her being overprotective of Shinobu. It would also lean on Shinobu to act more babyish outside of the nursery. I’m also thinking maybe the weather there is usually cloudy and blocks out the sun so Mommy can come out in the open whenever.
So mommy should start to favor Shinobu okay that's a good idea
April 3rd, 23 08:38 PM
Super, I also think maybe she’ll pay closer attention to Shinobu whenever she leaves her nursery because she thinks needs more attention because she got lost in a place with caretakers everywhere. Like ‘I should probably keep a closer eye on her if she managed to get lost.’ Not as like a suspicion but as like a worry.
Yes that actuly works perfectly with me
April 3rd, 23 08:29 PM
I’m thinking that happens after the date. Like maybe she hears screaming from a building that comes from one of Mommy’s and she heads over there to try and save him but she’s too late and she tries to leave only for the thickness of her diaper to make her trip. Knowing Mommy heard her she begrudgingly starts crying and acting like she’s lost. This causes Mommy to dispel any suspicion and start caring for her. I’m thinking this could be a good time for Shinobu to get some more information out of her.
Something like that good?
Alright got it and you want Shinobu to meet mommy here two right?
April 3rd, 23 08:23 PM
Maybe bring up the fact that the two need to show they’re dating and then they leave the house. I’m thinking there are enough caretakers that the babies should be able to wander the village on their own. I have ideas on what they can do. Go to a playground, go to a little pool, see a play made for babies, things like that.