Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 809
Can you start it like the good old dayz?
September 11th, 23 09:31 PM
Eh, good point, let’s do your idea.
September 11th, 23 09:24 PM
Hmm, maybe the spy learns she’s looking to adopt an adult baby so she has to pretend to be one? And then has to go through a bunch of trials to get her to adopt her.
A spy must get close to a very Ritch women thar after she gets close she has to kill the Ritch women but in as the Ritch women's daughter she must go to a big baby daycare
September 11th, 23 09:16 PM
I like them too I’m just bad at them. Also what?
Hello you still there I'm interested in an idea I have if your willing to try
I don't know will you be able to do longer posts I only really prefer longer posts
September 11th, 23 09:08 PM
Okay, that works. Maybe we could do it where one of the grilfriends pretends to be the caretaker and the other a baby?
I don't know I'm not good at playing Littles I more like the cg role