Conversation Between Neran and Diapered Avenger
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 7096
Yeah, sounds fun. Let’s do it.
Ooh, I like the sound of that. Maybe Roxy being doubled up gives her an excuse to sit back and watch the two gangs fight?
I was thinking they could use their heels in a kick based fighting style.
Would the first option also be pamp fighters?
Maybe one that looks down on them?
That or a bunch of babies who are throwing a tantrum.
Who's the first rival gang you want to introduce?
February 13th, 25 03:46 AM
Maybe after the multiverse team.
Want to do this one next?
February 13th, 25 03:37 AM
This is our current list.
, ,,,, brave, legends of tomorrow, multiverse team, boss, kitty and scarabella, eda, shera