Conversation Between Clop and Rukia~Chan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 78
December 6th, 15 08:54 PM
Doing okay, feel pretty worn down lately.
October 11th, 14 12:21 AM
How have you been lately?
March 31st, 14 04:08 PM
Happy belated 5th DA anniversary.
Happy 5th DA anniversary =)
Someone ran into the ladder while i was on it.
March 30th, 14 06:48 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. Falling from a ladder must have hurt. What happened?
Yeah, and i fell of a ladder and hit my side off a shelve at work.
March 30th, 14 01:24 PM
Not much here either just a long cold lonely winter. What happened to your hip?
Nothing much, i hurt my hip so I'm mainly crawling
How about you?