Conversation Between Moemura and PaddedCatBoy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 53
Princess Potty Pampers~ You're a princess potty pampers~ *I giggled.*
*giggles and lifts your skirt* oh my goodness! You really need a change!!
It's very pink and super frilly! I can clearly see the petticoat under your skirt~
It's......not that pink!! *pouts as I look down towards your diaper curiously*
This dress is so pink and frilly~ Very fitting for you~ *I giggled so much I ended up soaking my diaper.*
*makes cute, huffy pouts as my padded butt was now fully exposed*
*I giggled more* That's not gonna work, silly! Trust me, I've tried quite a lot before.
*huffs adorably as I pull down my skirt, trying to cover up my diaper*
I can not only hear the crinkles but the skirt of your dress doesn't do a very good job of hiding them either~ *I giggled and blushed.*
*eeks cutely, my face getting redder and redder*