Conversation Between shadowsong2b and babyashketchum
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
alrighty then. *i watch tv as i wait*
It'll take me some time. But I'll let you know when its up
you may start it. *i jump up and down like an excited little kid*
Alright. Do you wanna start it or should I? And got an idea for a title?
then we're golden!

Yeah. That too. And that's about all I know.
and shes crazy in love with sonic
Hmm. I don't know a lot about sonic. But I could be amy. And all I know about her is that sje has a hammer and a temper.
You would diaper me. Who do you want to be? I will be sonic.
Sonic would be fine. Who would diaper who btw?