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Go Back   Diapered Anime > Jerryrigthe2nd

Conversation Between Jerryrigthe2nd and Minou
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. Minou
    August 3rd, 11 06:27 PM
    It's quite fine! I didn't realize until I clicked on your profile. I make that mistake sometimes also.
  2. Jerryrigthe2nd
    August 3rd, 11 04:24 PM
    I am quite goofy.
  3. Minou
    August 1st, 11 06:26 PM
    I think you posted that on the wrong profile, jerryrig-sama. ;3

    I understand. :3 Birfdaykakes is giving me lessons!
  4. Minou
    July 31st, 11 06:38 AM
    The only reason I drew the legs that way was because of the perspective. He's turned so it seems like the thighs overlap. I can't draw skinny people! D: I need your help! Your figures end up looking sexy and slim! Whenever I try I end up drawing anorexia victims or musclebuilders! D:

    Teach me your ways, oh wise one!

    I'll get back up on them as soon as I get more practice in. I'm scared to be a failure. :c
  5. Jerryrigthe2nd
    July 31st, 11 04:56 AM
    That's actually very nice. Very nice proportions and build, for the most part. Very acceptable.
    The only thing you can stand to work on is how his arm is operating. It kinda looks like he's missing his tricep. If you just bulked up his arms a little to match his build you should be fine. And just a small hint before you fall into it's trap- Legs don't actually have to touch once they reach up into the pelvis. You'll want to give them a little space in between... unless you're character is obese u_u

    But, I would say it's very good work. Now, where them cutesy, baby, girl drawlin's??
  6. Minou
    July 30th, 11 09:21 PM
    Well, I've been practicing my BUTT off! You one of my main inspirations to become a better artist! I want to be as good as you someday! Also, I need help on proportion. Do you mind giving me your opinion on this picture?


    It's nothing more than a sketch, but I just want to make sure that this practicing is actually doing something! You're like a master to me! Not in a creepy way, but like a Goku/Roshi way.

    Yes, I love DragonBall, hence the reference..
  7. Jerryrigthe2nd
    July 30th, 11 09:02 PM

    I'm glad to get some support. I've been awful blue.
    Anything that sparked this?
  8. Minou
    July 30th, 11 07:07 PM
    Two words to describe you Jerryrig-sama:

    My hero.

    Just showing some support. :3
  9. Jerryrigthe2nd
    December 29th, 10 07:51 AM
    I saw. The coincidence in time and the similarity in names is not cryptic enough to get past this little bagel.
  10. Minou
    December 29th, 10 04:05 AM
    Ahh I see. I used to look at Carotte's art and think, "Oh, well I could do that!" But that was about 3-4 years ago. Now, I look at it and think, "Wow, I guess that old saying 'practice makes perfect' is truly fact."

    But, I'll be sure to send you a message or comment on DevArt. Which, by the way, I'm watching you on. <3

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