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Conversation Between Birfdaykakes and Spiderman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Birfdaykakes
    September 30th, 14 10:55 PM
    It basically comes down to: I do what I want.
  2. Spiderman
    September 30th, 14 06:49 PM
    Well thanks for answering.

    Now as for my second question. Do you decide to do all the pictures that people on this site suggest? Also, how do you remember to do all the suggestions that you get here in the VP messages?

    I hope that made my other question clear if not I am sorry I am not very good when it comes to describing my thoughts.
  3. Birfdaykakes
    September 30th, 14 06:42 PM
    Actually no, not really. I just happened to find the translation for that last one on another site, so I figured I'd share. I dabble in the language somewhat, but I can't go as far as fully translating stuff like that.
    As for your other question, I'm not sure what you mean.
  4. Spiderman
    September 30th, 14 06:27 PM
    I know you don't know me and that you don't know me from adam, but is it okay if I ask you how are you able translate some of the Japanese in the animated pics?

    Also, how are you able to keep up with all the different orders that you get for pictures that you get everyday?

    Sorry for bothering you.
  5. Spiderman
    June 27th, 11 03:35 AM
    All I can say after seeing your Diapered Students (Original) picture is that the boy on the left has some pretty big man boobs.

    Then again at work I saw a 8X10 picture of my boss dressed as an old lady at a charity event next to the time clock so who am I to judge he he.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
  6. Spiderman
    June 26th, 11 02:17 AM
    LOL my ADHD allows me be very random that is why I am king random. If you want to see somebody who has absolutely zero artistic. The only artistic thing I can even come close to doing is copying pics I see from the comics I have read. Not tracing just looking at them as I draw them on a piece of paper. Other then that I can't even draw a stick figure he he.

    Anyway, time to go back to cooking my strip steak on the grill.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
  7. Birfdaykakes
    June 26th, 11 01:57 AM
    Haha.. that was random.
    Feel free to jump in, if that's what you're getting at.
  8. Spiderman
    June 26th, 11 01:56 AM
    Well I just want to wish you go luck with teaching people to be better artists.

    Your friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

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