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Social Group
oc and fanfic lovers
this group is for all who have ocs or would like to speak about any fanfictions they are reading or writing
Showing Discussions 4 of 4
Last Post
fanfic thread
this thread is for any fanfic related discussion and links you would all like to share
3 |
November 26th, 13 11:36 PM
O.C thread
post and speak about your o.cs here
2 |
August 27th, 10 01:09 PM
general chat
this thread is for any discussion that you all would like to do
0 |
August 23rd, 10 11:26 PM
group rules
these are the group rules
1. be kind and keep profanities to a reasonable limit
2. keep all...
0 |
August 23rd, 10 10:34 PM
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All times are GMT. The time now is 10:24 AM. |