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for those that wanna talk about ps3 or need help in a game and need friends to add to there friends list PSN ID ARE WELCOME TO
Showing Discussions 10 of 125
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Nintendo Switch January 12 2017 presentation
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January 13th, 17 07:21 AM
Nintendo Switch Nintendo's next new game system
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October 20th, 16 02:29 PM
Playstation Meeting 2016 / Playstation 4 pro aka Playstation 4 Neo / Ps4 Slim info
https://youtu.be/11XjMplfTd4. Start at 11 27 ends at 50 44. PlayStation Meeting
All this is...
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September 8th, 16 06:40 AM
E3 2016 press conferences
https://youtu.be/a9i4LJ10kzM EA
https://youtu.be/NQ2uqjOTrp8 bethesda
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June 14th, 16 10:49 PM
ps2 games on ps4 tomorrow with upscaled 1080p 60 frames per second with trophies
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December 5th, 15 01:12 AM
resident evil 2 remake officially announced
Watch "Resident Evil 2 Remake – Special Message from Producer “H”" on YouTube...
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August 12th, 15 09:35 PM
E3 2015 press conferences
Watch "IGN Live Presents: E3 2015 - Bethesda" on YouTube
IGN Live Presents: E3 2015 - Bethesda:...
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June 17th, 15 02:43 AM
Interesting gaming facts
I would like to hear what facts you guys have thats intriguing
I find it interesting that...
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March 22nd, 15 05:00 PM
gaming news 25
Watch "NX is Nintendo's New Next-Generation Hardware System - IGN News" on YouTube
NX is...
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March 20th, 15 06:41 AM
Nintendo reveals new Nintendo 3DS system
Watch "Nintendo...
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August 30th, 14 04:07 AM
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All times are GMT. The time now is 12:14 AM. |