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all things yu-gi-oh fan cub
you name it we will talk about anything yu-gi-oh related
Showing Discussions 10 of 15
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Yugioh Movie.
so yeah no one has posted this yet i guess i'll have to do it.
so what is everyones review on...
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January 29th, 16 08:19 AM
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
i was just wondering what people opinions on the show are. who is your favorite character? who has...
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June 3rd, 15 06:20 PM
What synchro monster is you?
What synchro is you?
For me:
Ancient fairy dragon
power tool dragon:)
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June 3rd, 15 06:19 PM
What Deck Do You Run? What Deck Do You Wanna Run?
Just wondering what kind of cards you guys use
My decks are:
Main:Morphtronic Deck(Leo's...
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May 7th, 15 04:18 AM
Yugioh zexal
Yeah what do you guys/gals think of it so far?
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December 19th, 14 08:07 AM
what is your fav spell,monster,trap and fusion monster
spell have to say pot of greed,or mighty mallet(tho I forgot if mighty mallet is a spell or trap]...
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January 15th, 12 08:36 AM
duel academy dorms
what dorm would you be at duel academy, why would you be in that dorm, and what type of decks would...
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January 15th, 12 08:28 AM
Holos and best trades
Hey everyone!:) I was wondering what some of your best pulls have been. Like from a pack or booster...
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March 7th, 11 04:34 AM
Your most memorable duels
I was wondering if anyone remembered any of their most memorable duels, and if so, could you tell...
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October 29th, 10 03:09 AM
Favorite character?
Right now my fav is alexis from GX
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August 18th, 10 06:07 AM
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