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AlternateCaregiver AlternateCaregiver is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 2993
  1. babyashketchum
    August 23rd, 20 04:08 PM
    Okie dokie meet you there
  2. PastelWolf
    August 23rd, 20 02:43 PM
    I saw in your bio and i'm ok with that i just might not be able to respond the quickest
  3. PastelWolf
    August 22nd, 20 09:48 PM
    hi sorry to bother you but i was wondering if we could rp
  4. Little Fairy
    August 22nd, 20 06:25 PM
    Little Fairy
    Hello are you looking for Rper's. ?
  5. babyashketchum
    August 22nd, 20 03:44 PM
    I have discord now. Babybluegallade#6655
  6. DaddyDom
    August 22nd, 20 01:22 AM
    Yea he might be able to tell you a place you could do so.
  7. terminator101
    August 21st, 20 11:59 PM
    Please, you're making me blush! Thank you for your compliments though!

    Since you asked, I was offered a position via PM as a mod but I respectfully declined it. One of the reasons I made my decision is that, to be a mod means spending time and taking on extra responsibilities in order to (I believe) properly maintain this unique and wonderful site. Unfortunately at this time in my life, I just don't have the time to spare and if I took on the extra responsibility required to be a good mod, I would not have any time left to devote to researching and posting the little tidbits of interesting information that I had and will continue to offer to hopefully help keep this site interesting enough to maintain the membership of the [Dwindling] community that we still have here. I care about this site - It is unique in that it is the only one that combines the love of anime, animated cartoons, manga, comics, pulp fiction, etc. with the love of wearing and/or collecting (As some members here do whether new or used) diapers. This is one of my favorite places to hang out and I would dread to see it disappear forever.

    Also, like I have said before, there are four types of people to consider for a leadership role: There are people who have the ability and the desire to become a leader (Those people are the "Natural Born" leaders though some will tell you that there's no such thing). There are people who have the ability but not the desire to become a leader (These people have found "Their place" within an organization/community and are already satisfied - I honestly believe that I fall within this category). There are people who do not have the ability but have the desire to become a leader (These people are the "Wannabes" - IMHO, there are already too many of that type of people in the World!). And finally, there are people who neither have the ability nor the desire to become a leader (These people are the "Lazy Bums" or to put it another way, we all can't be leaders!) - If you'll recall, I posted all of this in the Shoutbox long ago sometime after Xero left us!
  8. DaddyDom
    August 21st, 20 05:24 AM
    I don't see an issue with sharing the link in pm with people you wanna invite, you should probably message an admin if you want to post it publicly tho.
  9. Diaper Beast
    July 31st, 20 04:35 AM
    Diaper Beast
    Gotcha. I'm sorry to bother you then. I just am fairly Ace but not Aromantic.
  10. Diaper Beast
    July 31st, 20 04:15 AM
    Diaper Beast
    Yeah, I prefer to play guys. Though I don't mind if they're sissified or even magic'd or something into girls. Though I do tend to prefer playing guys in general. Not big on overly sexual RPs, but find the story is what is most important. Punishment, Embaressment, Caught in them, etc.

About Me

  • Information
    Availble to rp but not on here prefer discord or f-list. Every player I rp with on these sites should be +18.

    I'm just someone who mostly prefers the caretaker role and takes care of people to make them happy, even if it's just through talking or such things.

    I'm mostly here for Role Playing. I can write interesting stuff with an interesting storyline, stuff with someone being tortured and humiliated... Sometimes I give them a happy ending, and I write cute stuff too. I preferred working with a female character in one point but mostly with them as a sub, I usually go for a Dom role but I also like an even rp where there is a Dom and a sub for each player. I am not afraid to try to play the sub in an rp if wished, but unsure if its for me yet. (Profile pic by ALMpsp, it can be found here... https://diaperedanime.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/25390/title/gardevoir/cat/630 avatar by BunnyboyDL94, http://bunnyboydl94.deviantart.com/art/Poke-Month-Part-9-657939716 )
    On this planet of mine..... I think?
    Gaming, Internet exploring (one thing being watching videos).
    Roleplaying Status
    Slowly getting back in.
    Roleplaying Position
    Top-based Switch
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  • Signature
    I am often on discord these days If you are interested on friending me on discord for rps or something then here I am: skywatch5
    Just reach out and try to friend me there and I’ll try chatting either ya!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: March 7th, 25 01:59 AM
  • Join Date: December 10th, 15
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 28
  • AB Avery
    • AB Avery
    • unsure how often i'll be about
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    • Lover of All things Adorable!
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