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Kokuei Kokuei is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1001 to 1010 of 2783
  1. Mahiro
    August 7th, 18 05:34 PM
    Glad to hear love. Have you ever watched dragon ball? I'll update our rp Thursday not too up to pasting today.
  2. shotytime
    August 7th, 18 03:45 PM
    I had an old idea for a swap jutsu we could do
  3. JeremyWolf0427962967
    August 7th, 18 01:38 PM
    We can do the after one for it to make sense.
  4. kakarot
  5. kakarot
    August 7th, 18 05:54 AM
    Go ahead and rest ya nut. We have plenty of time to brainstorm.

    I'm not sure what else you're up for altogether, but I have an entire thread of stuff that I enjoy.
  6. JeremyWolf0427962967
    August 7th, 18 05:29 AM
    Should it be like a year or a month for her to meet her?
  7. kakarot
    August 7th, 18 05:23 AM
    I was more cutting to the point of “if incontinence is the main point”. Plus using alchemy and making a good story out of it is tough. FMA did their best.

    Hellsing was the better show for plot and character development. Ultimate was just insanely amazing, but the story faltered for it. If you haven’t seen abridged, I highly recommend it.

    I agree with what you’re saying but it’s hard to reason why a alucard would make such a demand.

    Sadly I can’t think around the blocks in my head to just make this work. There’s not enough characters to work with.
  8. Bandit Keith
    August 7th, 18 05:02 AM
    Bandit Keith
    And its up http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showt...x.html?t=29743 Hope its fine if you want it tweaked let me know
  9. Bandit Keith
    August 7th, 18 04:52 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh please if anything Alucard might use the pages of that book series as toilet paper ...Or maybe to troll Integra by each birthday and Christmas gifting her the books just to be a smart ass as I can see Alucard having a side like that to screw with people he has respect and such for. True he would be unlikely to take much part in that holiday and Easter given his backstory when he was human but I could still see him at least embrace the mostly none religious concepts and if need be bare festivities for Seras even when portions of the holidays would dredge up unpleasant memories for him.
  10. Bandit Keith
    August 7th, 18 04:13 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Sure thing and will do... Mind if I have Alucard have a sorta interest in Vampire based entertainment? I mean I could see Alucard have some odd enjoyment out of things like fiction about vampires, horror movies with vampires and so on in a way we might as adults be with cartoons,anime and so on. After all he would have by now got over his negative reactions if any over the genres and got to enjoying then .

    Will link you when its up though

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    Im just done.... and if you're done, you need to say so. That way others don't feel like they are left hanging.
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  • Join Date: January 20th, 09
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