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Daipergirl091 Daipergirl091 is offline

Your Best friend and baby to anyone

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1011 to 1020 of 1901
  1. Vancleef1212
    August 28th, 17 06:04 AM
    *She tugs back and peeks into Rosies diaper* fine~ but you can't make me leave this time little one...would you like some warm soup?
  2. Tiny Eevee
    August 28th, 17 06:03 AM
    Tiny Eevee
    It is. Did you see the picture I you of her?
  3. Vancleef1212
    August 28th, 17 06:01 AM
    Vannesa would gently pull her closer peeking in "Fine....you can act like you don't need me rosie but i know you do"
  4. Tiny Eevee
    August 28th, 17 05:56 AM
    Tiny Eevee
    Cuddling my little mouse-mouse in my bed!
  5. Tiny Eevee
    August 28th, 17 05:29 AM
    Tiny Eevee
    Nothing much! Baby mice are so cute!
  6. Vancleef1212
    August 28th, 17 05:22 AM
    Vannesa would simply approach her and now she adjusted rosie to check her diaper
  7. CalmlyEccentric
    August 28th, 17 05:18 AM
    I'm doing just fine right now.
  8. Vancleef1212
    August 28th, 17 04:38 AM
    Vannesa would give her a friendlyw ave before she went along "do you still think you don't need me rosie...? "
  9. Wolfie
    August 28th, 17 03:36 AM

    i poasted this idea i had for awile
  10. Silencien
    August 28th, 17 02:54 AM
    He blushed shyly and sodtly asked, "C=can you show me" he whined his stutter caused by the fact that this was a bit bigger then he expected.

About Me

  • Information
    All you need to know about me is that i am a messy, fun, loving, baby

    kik: AnimeLover32255 (feel free to rp with me there)

    Discord: Sweet ~Rose Da Immortal Inkling~#3652
    (feel free to rp with me there as well)

    Now for my actual story of my family of oc's:
    Rosie smiles and jumps as she is up first! "Heewwo!! im Roseina Komo Le Hara or chu can call me Rosie for short. I can only heal but i can do some damage if im angry i can use magic attacks to overpower my enemies but healing is my A game" she raises her hand and summons a staff

    Lilly shoves Rosie aside causing her to fall on her face and smiles as she does a handstand. "hewwo! im Lillian De Hara or chu can call me lilly for short!" ^^ "it would take me hours upon hours maybe days of listing my powers for every universe im in so ill leave the mystery to you!" "I have a box that i share with everyone to keep them happy!!" She whispers evily with a death glare as blood pours out of her eyes "that doesnt mean take advantage of my good side.." The blood disappears as her expression changes back to a smile. "moving on!"

    Luna sits up from the floor and gives a shy wave but runs off and hides behind Rosie. "I dun wanna do dis.." she whines

    Rosie responds with "cmon sweetie do it for me.."

    Lilly says "do it or else.."

    Luna was scared by Lilly as she already knows what she is capable of so she steps from behind Rosie and shyly says "H-hi im.. uuh.. Luna Uchiha.. im about 5 years old.. uuh.. i uuh.. um.. can use my sharingan but not for very long.. I can only do so wittle.. dun hurt me.."

    Snowy giggles and says "hewwo~ who are you? actually im gonna introduce myself first" She bows and pulls down her maid dress a bit. "im the family's snow vixen,maiden. Give me a task and i will fulfill it ^^.

    Everyone except luna smiles and says "Now we wanna hear from you!!"
    Stuck in Aloha feeling homesick :( but at least bulbasaur and totodile are with me
    Roleplaying Status
    Always up for an RP
    Roleplaying Position
    Bottom / Submissive
    Post Length Preference
    Single Line
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  • Signature
    "No matter what happens in life, how messed up it may seem you can smile again, turn those tears down your into courage, open up your angelic wings and soar, because if you look outside you'll see that beautiful day "Thank you earth!" -Daipergirl091-


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General Information
  • Last Activity: December 19th, 22 11:13 PM
  • Join Date: February 12th, 17
  • Referrals: 0


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