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The_Enigma The_Enigma is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 337
  1. shadow king
    December 22nd, 10 10:18 PM
    shadow king
    Wes is going to dread this if it is the last thing Aria does...
  2. Sarah Lockheart
  3. shadow king
    December 18th, 10 08:07 PM
    shadow king
    I give to you a wall of text that you will come to dread!
  4. Sarah Lockheart
    December 15th, 10 12:03 AM
    Sarah Lockheart
    I have given this thought, and think it will be worth the risk. I'll inform any other members (Ace and you are the only good ones I've gotten a-hold of so far.) of potential spotty posting. Anyways it will be a pleasure having you on board, and I hope life is going well for you. If you know any other good roleplayers (not one-liners) please spread the word around if you could. It would be much appreciated. ^^ Have a nice day.
  5. shadow king
    December 14th, 10 11:30 PM
    shadow king
    You really think I would godmod that...no way he was going to walk away from something he didn't expect in the first place if it was that strong...
  6. shadow king
    December 14th, 10 10:32 PM
    shadow king
    Sorry for the shortish post, but it got what needed to be done, done...
  7. Sarah Lockheart
    December 14th, 10 08:45 PM
    Sarah Lockheart
    Well after I get a few more people on board I plan to make one, would you be interested in joining by chance?
  8. shadow king
    December 13th, 10 10:59 PM
    shadow king
    It's not a problem...I have finals that I am worrying about...
  9. Sarah Lockheart
    December 12th, 10 10:10 PM
    Sarah Lockheart
    Hello, I was wondering if by chance you were familier with any of the Elder Scroll games, or if your interested in Fantasy based RP's in general. :3
  10. shadow king
    December 5th, 10 02:16 AM
    shadow king
    don't worry about it, just relax and let it come to you

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    Well if I told you, I wouldn't be very true to my name, would I?
    The middle of Nowhere (some freaky stuff happens in Nowhere)
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    ~"There is a fine line between Genius and Insanity. I have taken that line and replaced it with a trout." -Oscar Levant(ish)


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  • Join Date: November 23rd, 09
  • Referrals: 0


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