Showing Visitor Messages 1101 to 1110 of 4644
You do how please tell me xD
I'm doing better now that my personal biz is out of the way
Just letting you know it's posted sorry for the waiy
Kk I'll respond right now anyways how have ya been
I'm doing good as well and I'm really liking this RP!
Do you want to continue that one or start a new one up to you
Well I can't remember what your into can you give me a quick refresher that way I can make a few rp ideas up with those in mind?
I just read our previous conversation and found out we use to rp before I disappeared i would just like to apologise for that I was going though some stuff and didn't want to come online till it was finished sorry
Hello my name's Pandora and I'm currently bored out of my gourd to the point i want to paint my wall just to watch it dry so currently I'm looking for someone to rp with and you seem to be on a lot so thought you might be a good choice interested?
September 10th, 18 05:04 AM
Hey, how things going with you?