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Girls in Diapers Girls in Diapers is offline

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  1. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 10:15 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Ya and she technically has skills enough to be a Jonin if she wanted .. But she prefers her regular life
  2. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 10:02 PM
    Bandit Keith
    h I'm a nerd.geek for media I am into

    As actually thats revealed as the fact well that and to also get back at the people who mistreated him.. in fact it also is revealed ramen and nearly expired if not full on expired stuff is the only stuff he can afford from shop owners as a whole raising prices up insane amounts when its him.. but giving him a extreme discount on ramen and near expired goods hoping he'd died from iether malnutrition or food pioson thankfully for Naruto its his Uzamaki natural bloodline healing factor with a minor boost from Kuramas charka that keep iether from happening ..
  3. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 09:25 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Eh fair enough and I can see Hinsta as a switch but leaning heavily towards being a sub outside afew specific cases given how she canonly was raised which basically equated to'' shun weakness and beat the weakness/flaws out of a person '' pretty much as its revealed do to Hinata and Hanabi's mother being too kind for the elders liking and her having already influenced Hinata they was not going to let Hanabi be anywhere near as kind and thus the two girls mother died in a very suspect manner and it was heavily implied Hinata ended up seeing it happen by chance..

    That all is canon by the way from extra materail released about that clan and Hinata also was revealed on other canon to have specific moments she stands up for herself fiercily but more so fiercily for others but do to what transpired in the clan she often wants to basically be seen as a none threat and blend in to the background aswell as all the mistreatment which her father couldn't do much about as the elders hold more power then even the head of the clan Hinata ended up shy and meek as a whole
  4. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 09:04 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Eh if one is aware how populer isekai is in the eastern world as its basically taken over in genre preference over in the Eastern world and its most of what is being brought over here anymore .. Its quite obvious really
  5. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:59 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Eh iseakae anime concept fits btter then what you asked about as technically that movies plot you mentioned was basically the Naruto IP dipping into the Ieskai fandom abit .. To dip into that cash flow a tiny bit
  6. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:49 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Yes.. Been awhile but yes I have.. why do you ask?
  7. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:41 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Ah thats the source of my deduction thanks for clearing that up as with neglecting to mention you was waiting on the aproval I thought you was confusing another rp you have with ours or something..
  8. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:26 PM
    Bandit Keith
    And either you was thinking of another rp or its a reply waiting aproval as just read through the post thats visible no indicator of iether was in the only one reply of yours that currently is showing up
  9. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 08:18 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Iether I missed that in my earlier reading.. or you mean one thats waiting aproval if the first my bad as when I seen it I was not quite fully woke up and being abit sick meant I could have easily missed those.. if its that big a deal for you I can fix that with a edit if its from the pose prior to mine(I was in fact going to check encase I missed something in like a minute anyway
  10. Bandit Keith
    February 6th, 22 07:10 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Side note I brought up rave master as there is legit a race of humans as a result that exists in Fairy Tail that is human or rather mostly human that is descended from dragons and humans basicalling having sex from loving each other that uncreatively is called ''the dragon race'' over at the time the writer basically couldn't think of a better term for em plus he reused alot of ideas and desings from Rave master in fairytail in fact heres a clip from a OVA he was involved in that to a degree kinda pionts out afew similar factors in the dialogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ApG81f6uA

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