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rootthelucario rootthelucario is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 30
  1. Bandit Keith
    July 7th, 19 05:07 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Very well will link you once its made
  2. rootthelucario
    July 7th, 19 05:00 PM
    sure please start for us
  3. Bandit Keith
    July 7th, 19 04:58 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Anyway want me to start the rp?
  4. rootthelucario
    July 7th, 19 04:52 PM
    sure we can do that its fine with me if we leave the car out of the rp
  5. Bandit Keith
    July 7th, 19 04:50 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Okay mind if we scrap the car matter as mlp series outside of the Equestria girls spin off doesn't have cars or shouldn't anyway
  6. rootthelucario
    July 7th, 19 04:48 PM
    yes and that is his dream goal is to be a major league baseball player and his mother dresses his him up as a girly girl. Also he drives a Bugatti Veyron.
  7. Bandit Keith
    July 7th, 19 04:46 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Very well just asking as some people prefer anthro or humanized characters over a pony version. So hum anything else you'd like in this rp?
  8. rootthelucario
    July 7th, 19 04:42 PM
    we would go pony cause of course it is my little pony
  9. Bandit Keith
    July 7th, 19 04:39 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Okay that helps clear things up even if its vague , would we go pony or Anthro for this?
  10. rootthelucario
    July 7th, 19 04:37 PM
    she also makes him wear a girls dress

About Me

  • Information
    My name is Dylan. I roleplay as an eevee who drives and wears diapers that is a major league baseball player.I like the color orange.I like video games.I like anime. I like pokemon.I'm 19 and I like to rp as different characters and make character profiles to tell other people who i will be roleplaying as.
    300 sandal LN. apt.319 Panama City Beach,Florida
    Video games,roleplaying,and a bunch of other stuff i cant remember
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  • Last Activity: December 4th, 21 06:45 AM
  • Join Date: July 1st, 19
  • Referrals: 0


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