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grandsword grandsword is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 221 to 230 of 10215
  1. Zack
    January 28th, 20 03:27 AM

    I was wondering if you are interested in doing a Sonic Rp.
  2. RealmDa
    January 26th, 20 11:20 PM
    Doing fine. Been a bit busy lately.
  3. Bandit Keith
    January 20th, 20 04:42 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah it is likely my friend
  4. Bandit Keith
    January 20th, 20 02:55 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Welp its either put in for toy placement or those behind the show is that desperate
  5. Baby RWBY
    January 20th, 20 02:43 AM
    Baby RWBY
    What do you by girlish boy a tomboy and I'm not a fan of Daddy's
  6. Baby RWBY
    January 20th, 20 02:13 AM
    Baby RWBY
    What you got. ?
  7. Baby RWBY
    January 20th, 20 02:03 AM
    Baby RWBY
    I was thinking for sailor Moon

    We have Serena babied by Minako she finds Serena's diary finds out Secrets

    Rei babied by Makoto I was thinking punishment or she was dated to by someone which leads to a misunderstanding


    Well I really don't have an idea but I would love Naruto to be babied by either Tsunade, kurenai or Kyuubi

    Then you choose who you want as baby

    We'll both be playing sub and dom
  8. Bandit Keith
    January 20th, 20 01:55 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Its gotten that bad now, seriously?
  9. Bandit Keith
    January 20th, 20 01:28 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Better still somewhat dealing with holiday based matters from last year and being kinda sick but better

    Oh and the problem with reboots here in the west seems to be starting to be a things officially in the east by that I mean well

    I just found we are getting a Digimon Adventure reboot apparently this year .. but given the info we are getting it sounds like they are almost completely changing everything about the original and it sounds like even the human characters might just be in look and name only the same but everything else about them different ...they even say they are setting this in current year with the characters we know as kids again... Yeah I doubt I am going to check this one out .. I might though
  10. Baby RWBY
    January 19th, 20 11:55 AM
    Baby RWBY
    Hello would you be interested in a Naruto or sailor Moon Rp ?

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  • Last Activity: December 26th, 23 01:46 AM
  • Join Date: December 5th, 08
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