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I found that funny too when I found out their Names cause all you have to do is remove the Ze in Zexion's and you get Xion's XD
Also, Zexy better be watchin' it or else Axel and Roxas will come at him like Spider Monkies.
I've noticed, Is Orlix gonna feel bad? I mean, Arlia will have to be punished if she doesn't do anything to him I'm curious about how he'll react. And yes, I am in fact a Zexion/Xion fan and I don't even know why.
Hey, shadow, I'm really sorry about this, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. Anything I would put up would be much lower quality than I'm capable of, and I hate posting low quality work. I don't know why, but I'm just extremely down today...
Sorry, but I can't rp tonight; took a sleeping pill yesterday, conked me out. Kills my creativity I now recall. I may be able to tomorrow, but most likely monday. I appologize for the wait.