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JeremyWolf0427962967 JeremyWolf0427962967 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 2451 to 2460 of 4644
  1. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 01:19 AM
    I giggle and wait to be changed

    I'm sorry too, I fell asleep, gonna be off and on for rest of night)
  2. Bandit Keith
    January 29th, 18 01:14 AM
    Bandit Keith
    I've always seen Wonderwoman as a motherly type and not suited even for a deage victim matter. Oh and old canon terms for a younger Diana when in costume is wondergirl, Wondertot and even Wonderbaby.

    Anyway as said hypnotize or brainwashing as both are similar but Brainwashing is like a more extreme variant
  3. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:58 AM
    Papa! Where you go? .
  4. Bandit Keith
    January 29th, 18 12:36 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Well you mentioned you wanted Bruce affected so I was going to go with that, but as you are mentioning an option well if we go with age and size then Kara would be a good call as its a canon thing she had in some comic storylines was in a situation where do to how she was sent to earth craving parents among other issues. Plus Mary Dahl could even steal Karas powers while we are at and enjoy a somewhat willing submitting to childish treatment victim

    For a parental role well WonderWoman or Karren Starr would be good for that on being hypnotized or brainwashed into believing they are Mary's mother
  5. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:36 AM
    Uh uh I say shaking my head yes agreeing
  6. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:32 AM
    I giggle and nod, uh huh! Was raining couldn't heap it!
  7. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:30 AM
    Uh huh! I say very messy in my diaper and coated with mud evsrywhere
  8. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:26 AM
    Good! *snuggles into you

    (Sorry went to eat supper
  9. Bandit Keith
    January 29th, 18 12:19 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Well aside from Jonah Hex and Karren Starr the ones listed are rather mainstream and most had a decent enough animated adaption that most DC comic fans have seen atleast once. Just saying is all on that. Honestly, I could have listed the few honestly at least somewhat obscure in a sense characters but I avoid those unless as most aren't aware of those ones. Hell some of my Fav comic characters have become public Domain Characters awhile back and those they are really obscure
  10. Silverkitten
    January 29th, 18 12:09 AM
    Hi papa! How you been?

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    Will I am nice and kind and shy. I love to rp.
    And I am great at being a caretaker and a parent for rp.
    I like animals and furry And to play video games. And I love anime. Kingdom hearts,code lyoko, digimon, Pokemon, Zelda, spanking​,caretaker.
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  • Join Date: September 23rd, 16
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