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NovaeCupido NovaeCupido is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 1594
  1. DLkitten28
    April 25th, 14 03:58 AM
    Hi Novae! Nice to meet you too!
  2. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 03:28 AM
    Yup! I like that! I like playing female characters, is that ok with you?
  3. Rika
    April 25th, 14 03:13 AM
    Do you have anything besides yahoo or skype? >w< I have skype but it like, burns my computer to death sometimes
  4. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 03:12 AM
    Sure! It's what you want. I was thinking of a kind of time shift thing. What about like a virtual reality that slips the character into a 1950's era time period where the character is but an adult stuck in a child's body?
  5. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 03:08 AM
    Hummmm I'm trying to think of a storyline. I love creative RP's. What kind of character do you want to play? The dom or the sub or we could both be subs and have a third character dom. I'm thinking some kind of horror/sci fi
  6. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 03:01 AM
    I loooooove horror it's my favorite. We can try that one if that's ok. Or Sci-fi, maybe fantasy! I don't know I like a lot of things.
  7. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 02:42 AM
    I don't know either. Do you want to think of a storyline first? Maybe the character will come to you.
  8. Rika
    April 25th, 14 02:34 AM
    Yeah apparently xP Not a whole lot, started watching Supernatural and it's good but terrifying >w< You?
  9. Wet-hypno-kitty
    April 25th, 14 02:19 AM
    Who is your OC? I guess I should make one. :P
  10. AB Avery
    April 25th, 14 01:55 AM
    AB Avery
    Hmm, like my first mommies OC. Sounds cute

About Me

  • Information
    I like to RP. I enjoy relaxing on the internet by acting a bit girly, something I can't get away with in my real life.
    I'm a yuri freak like most other guys and I'm a gamer who is into most video games as well as other geeky things.

    I'm a fan of Stiens;gate and Chaos;head, One Piece, Gintama, Soul Eater, and a few others.

    I'm pretty forgetful and random, but also very energetic and joyful. If you'd like to talk to me more personally, I don't mind making new friends.
    I hope to be able to make my own manga someday!
    Reading, Writting, and Philosophy.
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  • Signature
    -My Family-
    Avery is my Twin Sister, and Rika is avery's sis so I take care of here too.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: April 25th, 15 06:08 AM
  • Join Date: August 12th, 11
  • Referrals: 0


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