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Nothing I can think of at the moment albeit perhaps Nia openly is against the Anti-Spirals method of handling the Spiral nemesis threat and plans to prove her way works that or she helps take the Anti-Spiral out
I can see that as working for the timeframe as its not too far off from the trigger. Also I'll do my best to play Nia albeit I had a ideal that shes still got emotions after the trigger so shes caring .
I meant that time frame and after it gets triggered. I mean Nia wouldn't really be regulation through destruction so I could was thinking they'd try to find a peaceful way to subdue her or something when its triggered. Also good night
Very well any specific way you want Nia to be dealt with by the others given her rather odd type of triggered behavior and thinking ? I ask for future planning purposes
Oh I like that thinking you put into it and yeah overwhelming maternal beauty works better in my view. Also on Viodspawn war or perhaps Early Years I got a omake in the making. Before I forget when we get to the Hogwarts part in Early years what should Zelos be teaching? I'm thinking either defense against the dark arts or Dumbledore having started a combo class thats more or less mundane ways of defense and physical education class
That was my plan, I also was saying her physical covering and her physical look would shift to something of a very sexy and big chested said boobs producing milk. I'm also thinking we could have it so there was small inconsistencies of Nia's behavior up till the full blown triggering . As to me in my head it would make more sense that the trigger wasn't a ''instant flip switch its on''thing rather it was gradually going into affect
Okay heres the basics of it,well Its simple how I see it the mlp;fim verse time flow and the rp verse in Reborn by moon moves at a vastly different rate anyway when Jacob goes to sleep he finds himself in the dreamrealm hearing Celestia's voice singing a song meant for Luna, perhaps Jacob heres Celestia sing 2 songs at different times the first would be a sorta of apology type of thing and the second could be something a more breif but just as caring one. Anyway what ones other then digger would you want rebooted We got a plan for it if we reboot it atleast? Anyway sure we'll leave early years untouched in terms of ab related stuff aside from maybe a reference or gag if thats okay with you