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Well, it's good to hear at least one company can still put attention into story.
I don't only mean MMO's, I mean other games, too, like shooters. It seems that companies that were once focused so heavily in making a solid single player experience are now trying to "compete" with more popular games like Call of Duty. They take the attention out of the story and focus on a crappy multiplayer experience. It annoys me so much.
On a completely random side note, it really annoys me how the gaming industry is pressing on online multiplayer. It seems the single player component of games are becoming less and less important to the companies that make them. They would much rather try to steal the ideas of competitors, re-package them, focus all of their attention into a multiplayer experience that falls flat and watch as the money rolls in. Bioshock 2 is a perfect example of this.
Mass Effect? Now that's a great game.
I remember playing Oblivion at one time, but it was so expansive that I simply stopped playing it. I honestly think my older sister played that game longer than me.