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  1. Bandit Keith
    December 4th, 19 06:17 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah its a logical matter as even with meat substitutes and supplements they'd still probably be lacking in some matters … Also yes I am somewhat playing up the classic sterotype country life angle of everyone knows each other and thus is rather trusting so someone would be moving into a bigger city would be seemingly gullible to a degree

    Also I had a odd idea for a case Judy could get involved in later if this rp lasts... that is at some point a odd thing is going on related to child care services and no one can figure out a way to crack this case as its one of the few times its one that almost no one can go undercover on and they are overlooking Judy for varies reasons till either someone else or Judy herself brings up she could go undercover as a baby hare
  2. Bandit Keith
    December 4th, 19 04:26 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Also hope my Zootopia one makes sense I assumed in such a place there would be methods legal ones for Predator types to have access to meat given there biology
  3. Bandit Keith
    December 4th, 19 04:13 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Sorry bout the short pose in FNAF rp as its like you said not much can be done till Foxy is atleast somewhat fixed
  4. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 05:47 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah I only really am fully aware of the first game and some games inspired by FNAF so you might be better to look into it …

    Anyway thought so on you being at work... just let me know when you are ready to pose also still hope so far the rps you are enjoying
  5. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 05:35 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Was looking around varies places dedicated to FNAF and I keep coming up with for some reason this matter of it being said that the varies games in the FNAF universe keeps having what seems to be moments implying he has claustrophobia in one way or another... Though its not confirmed it is seemingly hinted if what I keep finding is true
  6. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 05:40 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Also just looked up some further facts on Foxy seems he might be in canon claustrophobia.. Maybe we can play with that as another reason he wants to repay the kid?
  7. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 05:32 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Figured as much will be fun to have afew scenes of a incomplete Foxy scaring your Character at random and then revealing its not been in your characters head when Foxy is complete

    Night see you later hope you are so far having fun... Also FTY Yes I kinda meta posed in the Zootopia rp abit but yet I didn't just more or less gave clear possible routes that could be taken without truly crossing Judy
  8. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 05:15 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah hope what I went for works in the pose for you

    Yeah that's fair

    True on the bill matter but for some reason when I looked into that... It seems you actually at least where I'm at have to set up the matter so as to have the bill payments count towards a credit score ..though that's been awhile back unsure if that's still how it works
  9. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 04:33 AM
    Bandit Keith
    If I can't I'll let you known on the FNAF matter but depending on the post on how his pieces are

    Oh and I don't recall if I told you about how the Banana Splits movie was claimed to have orginally goint to be a FNAF movie but they couldn't get the okay to do a movie based on that type so they tweaked the script they planned for that IP to work on Banana Splits... Just a fun fact you might like to know

    Oh that idea could work great.. So you wanna be the fire spirit I take it ? I can easily play Else if that's the case ..

    Hey atleast she has a credit score... I never got a credit card and that's causing me problems as well believe it or not having no credit card is worse then having the worst credit score you can have... Because you have well no score to speak of in existence they I have heard of recently a system that can make it where you paying bulls and the like on time would give you a credit score without a credit card... I really need to try recalling that programs now to look into it as I don't really want a credit card as I just don't fancy having one but I'm coming close to caving into getting one just so I can have a credit score as more and more the world is running on credit score set up
  10. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 03:23 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh and yes Rabbits and Hares are different if you didn't know.. Which Hares are from what I have read often a lot bigger then rabbits

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