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Kokuei Kokuei is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 401 to 410 of 2783
  1. Bandit Keith
    December 3rd, 19 02:43 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Anyway hows the mess with your girlfriend coming along? Has the situation improved ?
  2. Bandit Keith
    December 2nd, 19 11:43 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Heres the Zootopia rp http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showt...78#post3478978 I played with the fact its pretty heavily hinted at in the movie that in Zootopia hasn't really got enough bunnys and most other being about Judys size living in it outside of possibly some specific sectors of Zootopia to have measures for beings like her... Because there is a lack of big enough need for such matters to justify spending on

    Also gave some embarrassing matter as its hinted at even after she did crack that case she wasn't truly taken serious … Thought maybe give abit of a added reason for that...

    Also I have some big case idea Judy could get involved in if the rp lasts long enough one that fits into a *bdl type of theme if you wanna hear about
  3. Bandit Keith
    December 2nd, 19 08:41 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I can easily make it for you just might take abit to … But still like the intro so will make it once I think of a title


    That'll work my friend


    I don't mind spoilers my friend at all
  4. Bandit Keith
    December 2nd, 19 08:18 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I am leaning towards Judy and Nick diapered both

    Foxy for me it is then


    Well fire away then if you want

    Well at the moment there are I think 5 separate big movie studio's if what I looked up and read is true atleast after they did the Fox Merger , but yeah they also have found loop-holes in the old rules made towards Theaters and movies by strong arming the competition out via having contracts that if a theater whats to show such and such movie they must show it for such and such amount of time in such and such rooms in the theater for so long.. This old rule in question I mentiom was one made because movie companies at one time had it where Theaters only shown films from specific studio's and the like for quite awhile... Though there is a push to nullify the law that was in place that pretty much ensures theaters couldn't do that anymore among other laws related to movies and series studio's that is getting pushed currently to be nullified which if succeeded could allow Disney to have a gigantic piece of the pie that's pretty much a whole pie and still not trigger the anti-trust and monopoly laws if some of these rather old laws that's getting pushed to be nullify gets well nullified as I said
  5. Bandit Keith
    December 2nd, 19 06:30 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Well which setting of Zootopia would you like to do the most? They sound simple and easy for us to get back into rping together...


    So we talking the Absent parent angle for the indirectly neglected route or some other scenario for that indirect route? Personally I say they work so much they aren't really around much if at all so as to have a in universe reason this plot could reasonably work out …

    Well if you are playing the kid I assume you'd want the diapering and such willingly.. I can do Foxy if that's the case …

    Question is how would you feel about if you are leaning more towards playing Foxy if its sorta welcome yet not completely willing on padding and babied ? I ask as if I play the kid I'd kinda want it not completely willing but still somewhat willing … Like its one of those scenerio's that you aren't sure if you want it or not set ups ..


    As for a Frozen 2 rp… Have yet to seen it and have seen Frozen 1 in full ages ago and the rest when trying to rewatch it keep getting interrupted … Though I'm pretty sure we can work something up for Frozen given the premise it had ..

    Though speaking of Frozen Disney is looking to buy up more movie and cartoon studios and with varies movie theaters and studio based laws trying to get nullified in the legal system as of late from different people the entertainment industry I worry about becoming too much the same and the dissenting entertainment matters getting strong armed out given Disney has already found loop-holes in things regarding theater laws to get things strong armed to how they want
  6. Bandit Keith
    November 28th, 19 06:28 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Well I was asking on Zootopia as I Kinda have ideas more so based on Judy getting padded and babied very few related to Nick unless you wanna go with something involving how things went down in the movie that would make him padded and/or babied make some degree of reasoning... … What is your OC in this case ?
  7. Bandit Keith
    November 27th, 19 05:39 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Well shit sounds like a dumbass in terms of her father... I mean come on if she has the money to be able to repay him and the like even if it took abit it should have been understandable ..though if it happened again or if that kind of thing happened afew times in the past already I could understand his viewpoint

    That'll work

    Who would you want padded in the Zootopia rp is the question as in who you are playing or who I'm playing ? That would be the deciding factor on the ideals I tell you
  8. Bandit Keith
    November 25th, 19 04:31 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh sorry to hear about that my friend … Hope things get better for you and your GF soon.. Though if its not too personal you peeked my curiosity on why he disown her … I won't ask about it but if you wanna share feel free

    So anyway when things are better and not so chaotic we can discuss matters related to this FNAF rp we might do ..

    On my end was wondering what route you wanna go with this like if the setting of where the Animatronics belong is different then the can set up or not for plot reasons

    Also if you are interested in Zootopia been thinking of doing a rp based on that
  9. Pyrogue
    November 22nd, 19 01:09 AM
    Hey. Would you like to rp again?
  10. Bandit Keith
    November 22nd, 19 01:01 AM
    Bandit Keith
    So um no rush but the FNAF rp matter you got anything to suggest or discuss on the matter

    Also was refreshing my memory on Code Lyoko and found some details I forgot Aelita and Yumi in canon was both held prisoner of a guardian ,while both Aelita and Yumi in canon also was messed with by the Scyphozoa

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    Im just done.... and if you're done, you need to say so. That way others don't feel like they are left hanging.
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