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If you want a kind of Kami/ king piccolo angle, though I hope we aren't going with life force linked jazz but if we do I'd like that to go on in a fashion not even either Trayan knows about it
Sounds reasonable to me and theres not really much to discuss on the matter unless you can think of anything. Also I had a thought on Battle of Ω perhaps the good Trayan ends up saving Jeanne and she goes to save him with the power of Sorel that she holds a connection to sense the time she was possessed but in the process of it Jeanne and her friends/comrades are losing do to that fact of her saving the good Trayan but the good Trayan stops her when hes recovered enough from the energy to survive for a time
I even have a ideal for the scene when he is summoned as he appears and gets addressed he says something along the lines of '' I am Omega''then glances around before focusing on the person(s) that seems to be who summoned him ''Are you the one that has summoned me?''