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  1. Bandit Keith
    July 14th, 19 03:05 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Very well things got in the way of my posing in the Kurama and Naruto rp was about to head to it , Hope my lyoko pose is decent btw..

    Anyway on the symbiotes long story short it seemed almost like Marvel had a editorial mandate atleast if they didn't on given everyone and their aunt a symbiote in some cases that saying was more literal then anything as if I recall right some characters with aunts had where the aunt ended up with a symbiote too.

    On the subject of Venom and Carnage there was a storyline that made them spawn more symbiotes and if I recall right that storyline was the start of where so many people got a symbiose then again I could be thinking of a different storyline as its easy enough to confuse some storylines in Marvel do to how they like to resurrect old storylines or do a lot of retreading old ideals in a new fashion.

    A prime example of retreading a old storyline is with them making Jubilee a vampire and then reverting her to a mutant , I say this as Storm once was turned to a vampire and later reverted to a Mutant granted while she was a vampire she went by the codename Bloodstorm

    Speaking of Storm it once was canon her bloodline was of the original humanitys bloodline aswell as a mystical bloodline but the prior was scrapped without any retconning or explanation it just was scrapped all together.. Conversely the scrapping of that bloodline was around the time they had gotten a artist that supposedly wasn't a fan of the prior style of Storms eye look which had been animal like do to slitted pupils . Though I enjoyed the slitted pupils as it gave her a exotic look
  2. Bandit Keith
    July 13th, 19 08:57 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Also side note are you familiar with what a symboite is in Marvel ? If not, well I assume you are aware of the Spiderman character known as Venom ? If yes then there is a example of a symbiote only one with more characterization then most.. I bring up asking if you know as Marvel had at a point went through a phrase in writing where practically every good guy and gal had gotten one...

    Oddly they never gave Jubilee one despite all the hell the comics put her through she deserved a power up that'd aid her as it seemed during this phrase of writing for symbiotes they in general wasn't all crazy or trying to control the host that much but more willing to aid the person
  3. Bandit Keith
    July 13th, 19 02:04 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Thanks that helps a lot my friend... Will get too it in abit.

    Hows your day going so far?
  4. Bandit Keith
    July 13th, 19 01:24 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Kinda unsure how to go bout your newest post in the Kurama and Naruto pose atleast the last part.. Any suggestions my friend?
  5. Bandit Keith
    July 12th, 19 07:40 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I must say its nice rping with you again my friend I missed it

    Also something I just realized it seems like X.A.N.A only has a issue with humans and seems to be honestly fine with animals as aside from afew of his attacks he seems to focus on attacks that would only majorly impact human life .

    Also do you recall some of our more out there plans for the Code Lyoko rp ? If not I can refresh your mermory on them
  6. Bandit Keith
    July 12th, 19 04:46 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Thanks and I hope my poses in them are fine...

    Oh yes as far as hellsing is concerned a missed opportunity for a witty oneliner, still I believe given the vampireic enhanced sense of smell Garlic at worst would be a unpleasant smell thus a easy in universe way to explain the myth away that it affects vampires could be the old myth of wearing garlic meant you smelled strongly of garlic thus protected you but in truth vampires would leave you alone unless desperate
  7. Bandit Keith
    July 12th, 19 02:17 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh no worries I'm in no rush my friend honestly just felt a need to say sorry for three vms before my sorry that was before I got a vm from you
  8. Bandit Keith
    July 11th, 19 06:41 PM
    Bandit Keith
    So um hows it going? Sorry for not waiting for a reply just I have too much time on my hands right now and thus been more chatty then on average
  9. Baby Victoria Rose Gold
    July 9th, 19 10:33 PM
    Baby Victoria Rose Gold
    Hey sorry for the late reply, I'm doing alright for the most part just Been very busy and kind of sick as well. Awe I understand no worries hon I get that way sometimes too but hopefully sometime in the future we can plot something
  10. Bandit Keith
    July 8th, 19 02:11 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Humm odd thing I thought of for our Helllsing rp seeing as Garlick is in old myths meant to ward off malevolent entities in general... I could see Alucard when teaching Series about being a vampire remarking something along the lines of ''As far as garlic is concerned, that just wards off malevolent entities in general,but not lawyers or most solicitors'' You know show he has a truly joking side to him plus I can't see in Hellsing Garlick being anything other then a unpleastent smelling item to Vampires

    Oh and I'm sure seeing as you have been at a con for awhile you might not be aware but EA struggles to see how they are seen as bad guys and hated or ridiculed that's literally a thing a EA employee said that they struggle with how people see them as bad guys and ridicule them

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    Im just done.... and if you're done, you need to say so. That way others don't feel like they are left hanging.
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