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terminator101 terminator101 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 1037
  1. Yingyangjesse
  2. robotnursemaid
    December 20th, 19 01:11 PM
    Just FYI he didn't draw them. An artist named BottleneckBaby did and I heard she wasn't happy about him cutting them up like that... I won't be commenting any more.
  3. GabrielNesylian
    December 20th, 19 11:24 AM
    I hope you having a good Christmas Time ^ ^)/
    Please don`t give up _._)"!!
  4. Zinnia Hime
    October 21st, 19 04:14 PM
    Zinnia Hime
    Sorry I disappeared, a lot has happened on my end including getting pretty sick. I heard what was going on when I came back and though it's late I hope things get better for you. Take your time, take care of yourself first. ^^
  5. GabrielNesylian
    October 10th, 19 12:07 PM
    I hope everything is okay for your side...
    I heard your lost... and I know you will need some time now...
    please don`t do anything which is can hurt you! _._)"
  6. pyro
    August 27th, 19 01:43 AM
    sorry, took some time for me.
  7. SlightPhobia
    August 17th, 19 12:51 AM
    Please, please take your time and don't worry! Take good care of yourself too. You have a lot on your plate right now! If you ever need a good pick-me up just give a holler! I'll dig up some youtube CAT VIDEOS!!!!! In all seriousness, my condolences. Please stay well!
  8. Rukia~Chan
    August 16th, 19 04:36 AM
    Nothing much really, got a new job. Been working at the hospital now as a cook. So my anxiety and stress has lifted lots
  9. SlightPhobia
    August 10th, 19 07:38 PM
    Boy do I feel ya about tooth grinding. Two bridges and two caps here. I’m waiting for implants but they have to squeeze every last penny they can out of my ground-down teeth first. Haha! ‘course some of my rot is also from my sweet tooth so it’s fiddy-fiddy for me. I am not kind to my mouth. I brush and floss, but oof! Too much sugar.

    These days I stick to clerical stuff, yes. I’ll totally be a baby cuddler, but usually that’s not in demand. There’s a lot of people that volunteer to do that. I just sorta drift where they need me but this year is going to be the SHIP insurance assistance. I didn’t do any changing of biohazards, but sadly, regularly handled those tubes; everything from ostomy bags to chest tubes on ICU patients—the kind you absolutely cannot let fall below a certain level or tip over. Honestly, I think the transport staff should be CAN/CMAs at the least. Oof! You get some angel patients too then you have the one that won’t hesitate to bite slap or smack you for trying to take them to a test.

    IDK how other arts feel about it. If I need feed-back about what to change, I just ask a fellow artist how to improve x, y, or z. But I’m a weird, soft, shy, hyper-sensitive peach. I think most folks have WAAAAYYY thicker skin than me and might appreciate it for sure! Thus I just keep muh comments off and rely on the kindness of artists and tutorials to try and get better. Perspective is what I’m working on now. I, oddly enough, lack some component in my eyes. I don’t have depth perception, so I sorta have to figure things out from my own perspective. Standard advice doesn’t usually help me because of whatever I lack in my vision. I always wonder what a real 3D world would look like to the normal eye!

    I love to bake sweets!!!! As for food, probably just about anything! I’m no good at sushi and I’m not so great at French cuisine and I flat-out refuse to use flat-leaf parsley / cilantro as it tastes like dish soap to me. (I always substitute with curly leaf!) I love cooking traditional Japanese foods but the ingredients! OOF! Who can find Lotus Root where I’m at, man?! Haha! Anything you like to cook?

    Ooooh! That game looks super neato! OH to be smart enough to make games, man! All the maths and arts and 3D program skills! It boggles my mind. I’m always looking for cutsey (easy) MMOs like the Gaiaonline zOMG game. I used to play a little XIV, but ugh. The monthly fees were just bleh. I’m too cheap for serious gaming; let’s be real. X,)
  10. SlightPhobia
    August 8th, 19 09:26 PM
    Yipe! That’s a lotta power! Also now I sorta want a Butterfinger! X) They always stick to my teeth though and oof if my teeth aren’t idiotically sensitive to hard things. One too many root canals.

    As for my hospital work, I help seniors with insurance related issues and help get them signed up for the right insurance through the hospital. I don’t really work with a ton of infectious people, though I get all the vaccinations free of charge to avoid getting’ any ills. No pamp work for me. I find it extremely unpleasant to move and transport patients. They’re always in pain to the omegas and I’m too much of a softie. I’ve handled a lot of IVs, catheters, and tubes in my day when I used to do transport. Really, one ICU move is all it takes to discourage me from transport… or getting shat on… and pissed on… which happened frequently.

    SlightPhobia is indeed me, or it was. I abandoned my deviantART after some harassment I’d rather not discuss. I abandoned DA for DPA and haven’t looked back. Unsolicited critiques is the reason I never allow rating or comments on my art. I’m too jittery a person to enjoy critiques. I’m too timid a person for ‘em.

    I draw, I write, I do a little crochet, some painting, cooking, jewelry. I dabble in a bit of everything! I don’t play a ton of games myself. I enjoy looking into some Final Fantasies. Few game plots snag me though. If I can’t see some daddy / little dynamic to exploit for RP, I’m usually not interested. I’ve played some of the Kingdom Heart games as well. I enjoy a little candy crush and flower shop, maybe some sims games if I can custom content the heck outta it. I used to enjoy making stuff on IMVU too but IMVU sorta died when they did away with credit resales.

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  • Last Activity: December 1st, 23 12:53 PM
  • Join Date: September 20th, 08
  • Referrals: 2


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