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Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 1186
  1. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 09:20 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh yes and when he finally gets the hang of swimming Kon does want to quit swimming even when it was the time they planned to leave but thankfully they're at say Ollies or Bruces mansion that has a pool there so Kon has plenty of time to swim
  2. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 09:10 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh yes perhaps we can add to that like it reminds Kon too much of his ''hatching'' or too much of the way they tested Kon in tanks of water
  3. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 02:27 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh and I just imagination on the Swimming ideal When Linda admits to not knowing how to swim at all Kara cocks her head and out right saying something along the lines of''You got to be kidding me'' but then Kara despite whatever her mom says she takes it upon herself to teach her mom how to swim of course this would be awkward,comedy perhaps harmless embarrassment-the unavoidable kind mostly- and of course bonding as mentioned
  4. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 01:30 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Also sorry for the short rp reply but I need to get back into the groove of them,if that makes sense
  5. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 12:53 AM
    Bandit Keith
    No need for being sorry I understand but thanks for that
  6. Bandit Keith
    June 2nd, 16 12:00 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Heres one for our latest rp.

    Bruce at times must break up fights between Jason and Damian to the point Bruce needs to enlist help in caring for his wards as Jason and Damain just can't get along more so then Bruce thought prior. Maybe Bruce enlists Linda to help one day as Linda had came over with Kara to the Bruces residences as Kara wanted to hang out with Batgirl A.K.A Barbara Gordon. Which even though Linda knows Kara is a Teenager and knows of Barbaras identity Linda still wanted to meet the girl first that or this can be done when the curse had stuck Kara aswell by then and Linda being responsible is there
  7. Bandit Keith
    May 30th, 16 10:18 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Random ideal for awkward and comedy moments aswell as bonding . Cadmus deemed the skill of swimming useless to have Linda and Kon know because the same way flight is used Linda and Kon could propel themselves in water with it so Kara ends up teaching her mom swimming while Clark teaches Kon how to swim. Basically a family bonding thing

    Kara ends up needing lessons from Linda in how to keep her eyes from going red and breath from misting when shes angered or upset enough as for now it can be seen as a trick of the light or Kara being a meta-human but if it happens too much Karas cover could get blown so Linda being the parent needs to teach Kara how to control the actions her powers when upset
  8. Bandit Keith
    May 30th, 16 12:48 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Karas friends end up finding out quickly who got the farm and who's to be living there so they end up getting to help fix it up and they're good at it,maybe Linda was the one that got ahold of Karas friends for that as at the moment they know Kara in more ways then Linda and Clark

    Linda do to Cadmus forced upon training picked up on the fact a good number of Karas civilian friends are hiding abilitys from those outside of their trusted friend circle and that mind be wise to check on what powers the group has for the future just encase. The reason Lina picked up on the fact from the training is the very slight slip ups the friends do at times and the slip ups are far too often to be from those hiding behind a alter ego these are just people who don't want involved in either side of the crime fighting or criminal world

    Heres something I can't shake from my head so I'm mainly saying it to get from my head but I'd like to do it anyway,well here it it;Karas older diaries and current one fall down and some interesting ones are in them Linda notices about how Kara was and still is having trouble getting over the fact she used to be older then Clark before the statis ,now she isn't physically but from her planet records wise she technically is and she puts shes can't really talk about it as no one would understand . Which Linda risk aggravating Kara by bringing up the entries she seen ends up getting Kara to talk about it to her

    Another ideal that I can't shake from my head so I'm mainly saying it to get from my head but I'd like to do it anyway ,well here it is;do to Jokers lackeys being loose lipped on somethings word gets out Kara and Linda was spotted in or around Smallville alot lately and Karas meta-human civilian school friends keep barely getting away alive via using there powers and now a criminal element has taken root in Smallville Kara is feeling guilty her friends are at risk do to her presence and that Smallville isn't as safe as it used to be because of her and Linda. I feel this ideal would greatly help our first rps life span when we need to spice it up at times
  9. Bandit Keith
    May 28th, 16 02:40 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Heres a random ideal when Kara and Kon get de-aged a emergency comes up and the Elder Kents aswell as goodguys for some reason can't babysit so Karas school friends gets called to babysit Kara and Kon albeit some fib would need in place so its not admitted who the children are

    When Karas friends overhear Kare teaching Kon Kryptonian and Linda overhears Karas friends say something to themeselves that Karas teaching someone that made up language showing Kara had lied about her tongue to her friends on it for some reason

    I was thinking have Kon and Kara fight over what they'll watch half the time like siblings
  10. Bandit Keith
    May 27th, 16 02:08 AM
    Bandit Keith
    I was watching somethings about Bully troubles in schools and outside of it which gave me a thought/ideal -that I'm mainly saying to get it from my head but we can do it if you want- on the advise of Karas friends convince Linda to look in her girls diary and Linda finds some rather troubling thoughts and facts on the bullying factor from before Karas punishment. Like how Kara could have mused on how easy it would to stop her and her friends tormentors so easy and methods aswell as how she wished she could just end it at times on her end especially when the bullying had went to framing her and her friends for ruining advents.

    Heres a good mood ideal Linda while cleaning Karas room finds varies script drafts and drawing for a varies things Kara plans to self animate via hand drawn animation manner

    -Now this one I really wanna do-Kara come the next morning in the first rp leaves the crib shes now sharing even though she knows shes meant to no go anywhere without Linda or Clark knowing and goes to her room soon after being in there shes writing a song

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