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Jill Storm Mcnight Jill Storm Mcnight is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 9606
  1. Jaga Jaguar
    June 6th, 13 05:38 AM
    Jaga Jaguar
    Thought so lol, do you usually do OC or regular fan based rp's?
  2. Darius chishiki kojitsu
    June 6th, 13 05:29 AM
    Darius chishiki kojitsu
    Yes, with the 12 talismans or however they are called, and his cousin jade?
  3. Darius chishiki kojitsu
    June 6th, 13 05:22 AM
    Darius chishiki kojitsu
    I actually do any kind of RP.
  4. Allison Storm
    June 6th, 13 05:22 AM
    Allison Storm
    Snuggkes yews)________
  5. Jaga Jaguar
    June 6th, 13 05:16 AM
    Jaga Jaguar
    Hi what's up? Saw your friend request so thought I'd say hi.
  6. Darius chishiki kojitsu
    June 6th, 13 05:16 AM
    Darius chishiki kojitsu
    I would love to rp with you.
  7. Rukia~Chan
    June 6th, 13 04:50 AM
    *Nods as i still suckle *
  8. Rukia~Chan
    June 6th, 13 04:44 AM
    Do what mama? *starts to suckle*
  9. MehBunny
    June 6th, 13 04:43 AM
    lov you mommy can i have a diaper change please
  10. Rukia~Chan
    June 6th, 13 04:25 AM
    *Stomach growls loudly*

About Me

  • Information
    I love my babies, my princess #1 is Kimi, my favorite bunny is Rose

    I am a Pegasister, my favorite mare is Princess Cadence and my favorite stallion is Shining Armor
    In my lovers arms, in my thick pamper
    Sleeping with Stormy as my pellow, playing mortal kombat, listening to Ashious play his acoustic guitar, training with my dragon calibur
    Making poopy in my diaper
  • User Settings
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Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: June 10th, 13 09:32 PM
  • Join Date: November 8th, 10
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 204

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