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Kokuei Kokuei is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 2783
  1. Bandit Keith
    June 29th, 19 08:42 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Oh they are long enough my friend,no worries I understand if they are short.
  2. Bandit Keith
    June 29th, 19 08:03 PM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah still was tossing out there the easiest off the top of my head what to play with from Marvel..

    Also fun fact there is a canon pairing between Marvel and DC of Jubilee and Tim Drake do to a crossover advent the two companies pulled one time where the writers basically shipped those two together in the pages of the comics
  3. Bandit Keith
    June 29th, 19 06:12 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Humm somethings we might be able to play with later down the road in the Marvel rp is the fact comics both Marvel and DC had a thing for regressing Heros and Heroines to younger versions if not infantile versions of themselves complete with powers/abilitys still

    then you have X-Men specific group called the 'X-babys' which the version I am thinking of has young if not Infantile versions of mutants in general existing at the same time as the regular counterparts both with their powers/ability's

    then there is the fact the X-Men comics for awhile have been plagued with writers displacing younger versions of characters in the 'future ' A.K.A whatever the current present of the comics are with the whatever is at the time current modern versions still existing and nothing changing of the present , aswell as plagued by writers doing basically the reverse by displacing 'future' versions of characters in the whatever is at the time present version of a timeline in the comics.
  4. Bandit Keith
    June 28th, 19 03:17 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Good or decent might be busy with some stuff at home for afew days but otherwise fine.
  5. Bandit Keith
    June 27th, 19 04:02 AM
    Bandit Keith
    So um hows it going? Sorry for how chatty I was the other day and early this morning

    Also this line from the 90's X-Men cartoon I felt like I'd remind you of The juggernaut indirectly taunts Jubullie with a remark of '' "What's she gonna do, hit me with her diaper?" if you don't believe me heres a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU0WrI62snU its said at around the 41 second mark
  6. Bandit Keith
    June 26th, 19 07:43 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Also fun fact in Marvel there is this being that looks like a hatchling dragon that's infact a alian that at first was written as just a alien pet of Kitty Pride that she babied by diapering ,bottle feeding and even putting in a stroller but it was later retconned as a intellect life form that could talk human speech and all that jaze from early on that it infact was just getting enjoyment from being babied

    Also on the Marvel rp I will say I am ignoring a good deal of some of the X-Men darker moments such as the fact in the comics at a point they made it canon Charles Xavier enslaved a living entity for the training room at one time canon high tech holograms that was retconned on the enslavement matter to be constructs of this entity among other things like that I am heavily ignoring from the comics as its pretty apparent a lot of it is do to the fact people have on none self contained storied been doing the ''watchmen effect'' as I like to call it where they deconstruct characters but rarely put them back together and a new writer comes along deconstructing the already deconstructed characters... This ''watchmen effect'' started mostly after the watchmen comic came out and was such a huge success people had started a trend of deconstructing Characters but rarely do people get time to put them back together thus often a character gets deconstructions of their deconstructed state and keep getting further deconstructed ...
  7. Bandit Keith
    June 26th, 19 06:09 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Glad that works out atleast

    Well its been described as Manga and anime equivalent to a Superhero genre of comic/cartoon …

    Also side note in the Naruto and Kurama rp I referenced a Part 1 themed ep of Shippuden on the ghost matter
  8. Bandit Keith
    June 26th, 19 05:04 AM
    Bandit Keith
    On another note ever seen My Hero Academia or read the manga? A good way to explain it if you haven't is basically what that world is more or less the equivalent of it the whole world accepted mutant kinda and Mutants over the years became the majority with baseline humans now the minority in the timeframe it opens up at
  9. Bandit Keith
    June 26th, 19 04:10 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Sorry never got into Warframe my friend if I had I'd offer to try one in that universe
  10. Bandit Keith
    June 26th, 19 03:42 AM
    Bandit Keith
    So hum what spark do you got ? Just asking to see if I can accommodate you

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    Im just done.... and if you're done, you need to say so. That way others don't feel like they are left hanging.
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  • Join Date: January 20th, 09
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