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MingleMonster MingleMonster is offline

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  1. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 10:56 AM
    DRX Dragon
    After nearly a day of watching TV I decide to go back to the playroom where you are at to stop the punishments and to see if you learned your lesson. I open the door and I see you wearing a new diaper and pass out from shock. Then when I wake up I'm in a crib that wasn't in the playroom before and all of my toys are out.
  2. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 10:51 AM
    DRX Dragon
    ( Dang That was one long post and I don't expect you to type that much for a single post though I will admit I'm not the best as far as clarity is concerned )
  3. MingleMonster
    March 21st, 16 10:30 AM
    *I finally tire of pouting and stand up, to the best of my ability, and try to play. I toddle over to the toy box, my uncomfy diaper sure to remind me it's there as I start moving around. I start digging around for toys, searching desperately when I remember:*

    *Gasp* Mr. Cuddles! *I look up, and see him on the really high shelf, where only display toys are supposed to be. I reach and reach, but there's nothing to climb onto and my arms don't extend at will like I want them too. I pout a little, and then decide to get just a sock monkey from the toy box, closing the lid as I walk away. I look back up at the bunny, and begin to speak aloud.*

    "I'll get you down Mr. Cuddles. I just... just gotta' figure out how to get up dhere." *As I turn around, I let out another sudden violent sneeze, causing me to almost lose my balance*

    "Meckuh... No sicksies..." I state. *My tummy starts to rumble, as I realize I was put to sleep last night with no din dins.* "Grrr... Stupid head forgot to give me foods..." I say under my breath. *Ignoring the hunger pangs, I toddle for another step until I fall down, the sock monkey cushioning my impact. I decide to crawl, dragging the monkey along with me.*

    *As I make it halfway across the room towards the Caterpillar, I start to feel another sneeze coming on.*

    "A-a-a... ... ACHOO!" I squeak as I fire off another sneeze. The same dizzy feeling washes over me, I try to shake it off.* "Stupid head must have got me sick too!" *I detest, sniffling a little from the sneeze. I look down at the sock monkey and... he looks bigger? Why? Wait, did he get bigger?*

    *As I think about it, he seemed a little bigger a minute ago too, after the...*

    "AAAAhhhhh- CHO!" *I sneeze out again. Apparently I'd said just the wrong thing, as I start having a sneezing fit of sorts. I stumble and try to stand, head spinning like I'm on a really wobbly carnival ride. I start to feel sick, like I'm gonna' spew...*

    "A-rah-rah-ha-a...-A-CHOOO!" *I let out my largest sneeze yet, causing me to fall on my butt. I wipe my nose on my sock monkey absentmindedly, fluttering my eyes. The queezy feeling passed, and I was relieved. Then I saw the monkey, where I'd wiped my nose.*

    "...Glitter?" I say in wonder. *I glance down at the glittery boogie on the monkey, which perplexes me.. but then I also notice how big the monkey is in my hands now. I look around, the whole room was so much bigger! And as I look at myself... I've shrunk?*

    *I think about it really hard, and can't come to a conclusion. Deciding to best not worry about it (because easy come, easy go for a toddler), I go to spin around and stand up. That familiar tingling starts in my nose again...*

    "Oh not... ah... ano- AAAAAHHHH" *My sneeze starts to build. I can tell based on the previous sneezes, this one's going to be really strong. I brace myself, close my eyes...*

    "AAAACHOOOOOO!!!" *If I wasn't feeling dizzy before, I did now. It felt like I popped up in the air for a second, but... that couldn't be true, could it? Either way, I land with a rough thud on my woolly bottom, itchy padding flaring on me. I didn't notice that my shirt suddenly fit (at least, just above my navel), or that my shoes weren't bothering me anymore...*

    *As I open my eyes, I see there's a faint... glittery look in front of me. It was just like... the pacifier from the night before! It looked a whole lot like that glitter, but...How?*

    *I watch in wonder as the glittery substance floats on in front of me, down by the floor, just under the edge of the small table... Over by the shadow of the leg closest to me. Sitting in that shadow was the smallest matryoshka doll from yesterday. It must have ended up over here as it was kicked during the struggles. The little light enveloped it, and I think I even saw the doll rock back and forth a little, before the glittery sheen vanished, dissipating around it.*

    *I quickly snatch up the doll, holding it in both hands. I shake it, and then hold it to my ear like a sea-shell. I listen... nothing. I then try to open it, and sure enough it does open, revealing another little matryoshka in pink.*

    "Nothing" I say disappointingly. *I open the next one, even smaller, giving way from pink to a deep purple. Not in the quitting mood, I try to tug this one apart and it doesn't move. I try and I try, twisting and pulling, trying to get the doll to separate...POP!*

    "Ah!" I yelp as it suddenly comes apart. *I'd dropped the doll halves as I opened them, so I start picking them back up. I pick up the top half, and look in to find nothing. However, as I pick up the other half, I see a shimmery glisten seemingly pulsing from within. I drop the top altogether to put both hands on the bottom of the toy, looking deep into the light in a mesmerized wonder. Suddenly, the light shot up!*

    "Whoa-ah!" I exclaim!

    "The light zipped all around the room, I tried so hard to keep up with it with my eyes, turning around to watch it zip around, coming back towards me very quickly after a short time. I duck, but it doesn't come anywhere near me as it simply zips vertically up to the ceiling, then back down. It made a strange dinging sound the whole time, like the fairy from before, but very different tones. I uncover my head and open one eye, to see if I'm still alive.*

    *Suddenly, it crashes down on the floor in front of me, and the light fades slightly. It's a purple little fairy creature, like the pink one from before! Only, it's a little different... It's hair is straight, and it's outfit is more lacy than ribbony. Either way, I stare in wonder...The suddenly, a pink flash materializes, and the pink fairy appears as well! My hands shoot up to my mouth, eyes dilating in wonder...and a little fear. I was nervous about what would happen next...*

    *The purple one starts gesturing to the pink one, making the dinging and donging sounds it made when it flew around the room. They seem to share a brief communication, before nodding to one another. I simply stare at them as they share this 'conversation', turning to a look of fear as they both fly next to me with a sudden dash, both grabbing me by one hand. I feel myself lifted and zipped into the air, being carried by the fairies!*

    "Ah, wait wait wait, too high too high, put me dow-aaaaaahhhh!" *I zip around with them as they dance me around the room's air space, honestly kinda frightened. They bring me down close and let me go, sliding me on my butt into a pile of stuffies on the far wall of the playroom, scattering the ones on the outside, the ones on the inside of the pile consuming me in their fluffy mountain.*

    *I poke my head up out of the pile, looking around for the fairies. I don't have to look for long, as they float down next to me, the pink one holding her arms behind her, and the purple one clasping her hands together in front of her. All I could do was stare, and blink. I'd just flown with fairies! Real ones! But... What now?*

    "Uh...hewwo..." I stammer out. "Ummm... I uhh, I'm Mingle..."

    *The purple one appears to be laughing, while the pink one appears to be giving her a "I told you so" sorta look. They share a jingly giggle, before both turning back to me, wands suddenly appearing in their hands. They both flourish their wands in unison, and point them at me together in a flash - I was stunned by the dazzling light. I try to cover my face from it...*

    *As the light fades, I open my eyes...they're gone. I look around for them, toddling out of the pile of stuffies. I trip over one of them, and land on my hands, breaking my fall. I notice around my wrists are some cute little bracelets, one pink and the other purple, that shimmer and gleam. I sit on my bottom, entranced by the swirling gemstones on the bracelets.*

    "Pwetty..." I coo. *I hold them up to the light to watch them shimmer under it, where I see Mr. Cuddles sitting right there between my hands, so close... yet so far. Seeing him reminds me of everything that's happened since we'd met... The time spent on the couch, the snack cakes... and then all of the stuff that happened yesterday...*

    "Just a little longer Mr. Cuddles" I try to assure the toy. "I don't know how, but somehow, I'm going to get you doo-ooooown!!!" *I squeal out as I'm lifted by my leg suddenly into the air. I jostle in the air, held in place, as I look up to find...


    A glove? A strange looking, ethereal-white glove had me by the leg! And then I feel the drop*

    *As it drops me, another pair grab me shortly after, under my arms, they loosely let me go forward, where I find myself caught a little lower by the tummy into yet another glove. That glove seems to drop me backwards as I land diaper-first into the palm of a waiting glove, which kinda slides me out of it's grasp and back onto my feet, where I just kinda fall over again.*

    "Wha...?" *I look up, all of the ethereal gloves were there for another moment, before all vanishing like popping bubbles. I look down at my hands, more at the bracelets as they shimmer and I get an idea. I slap my hands on the ground gingerly, looking for a reaction. Sure enough, two gloves appear and slap down on the ground a little ways away from me, following as my hands do. I then lift my hands and start clapping them slowly, watching the gloves carefully, as they follow the same motions and speed as my own two hands.*

    *My eyes grow in amazement - this was incrhedebauwl! If I could do this...* *I look up at Mr. Cuddles on the shelf, and hold my arms out as if to grab him, the gloves slowly rise towards the toy, as if with deliberate speed, until they finally clutch the bunny softly. Suddenly, they quickly pull it off the shelf and back down to me, dropping it into my waiting arms. I giggle loudly and hug the toy close.*

    "Mr. Cuddles! Mr. Cuddles you're back!!" *I snuggle the toy as the hands high-five each other, before vanishing as the others had.*

    *I hear the sound of the microwave in the distance, likely you making something to eat. I remember that I hadn't eaten, and the hunger pangs come back...* "Oh... I hungwhy..." I state aloud.

    *As if to answer my issue, another hand and a very large baby bottle appear, the bottle being mildly ethereal in it's own right. Without warning, the hand grabs the bottom of the bottle and forces the nipple end into my mouth.*

    "Mmmmph!" I mumble in shock. *The shocked feeling doesn't last long, as I start to suckle, a very sweet flavor comes from the bottle. It's milky...fruity...Strawberry milk! The bottle was feeding me strawberry milk!!"*

    *I greedily suck down the bottle, but after awhile I start to feel full. I pull back from the bottle, releasing the nipple from my mouth.* "Ahhh, thank you, I was rath- Hmmmph!" *Apparently the glove thought I should finish that bottle, because it shoved it right back into my mouth. Looking down at it, seeing that it's just a little bit left, I decide to finish it off. Once it's empty, the glove pops it from my mouth of it's own volition.*

    "Whew" I sigh in contentment. *The hand then grabbed me under my tummy and lifted me lightly, dangling me from the floor a little. I struggle lightly in wonder, as another hand appears over my head. I watch as the hand floats around behind me, assuming the worst, but being pleasantly surprised as it starts to pat me on the back. I belch loudly, as it gently sets me down on my hands and knees before dematerializing.*

    *I wonder what else these can do, and start just waving my arms around. I watch as all of my little tests come true, what with the marching band of stuffies in one corner of the room springing to life and the sock monkey doing a jig with the caterpillar on the other. Even the little matryoshka dolls are having a little sing-along in the middle of the playmats! I start to crawl over to them, shifting in my uncomfortable diaper.*

    "Ichi-chi!" I look down at it in disgust. "Stupid meanie diapee!" Hmmm... *I make two of the gloves appear over my own hands, thinking I could use them to help me change myself. I try to use them to pull the diaper down, but it doesn't seem to work. I try to tug on it, but apparently messed something up, as I'm hoisted into the air by my hips, the gloves falling off my hands. Suspended in the air, I look down and wish to be on the ground again...Apparently wishing a little too hard, as the hands bring me down really hard on my butt!* "Ouchies..." *I try to rub my bottom through the diaper. Looking up, I ask aloud.* "Ummm... can you guys help me?" as I tilt my head.*

    *One of them looks like it's thinking while stroking an invisible beard, while the other one gives a sort of "what do we do?" gesture. The 'thinking' hand snaps it's fingers as if it'd figured it out, and the other one gives a sort of 'I concur!' point in the air.*

    *This apparently meant something to the hands, as they materialized again, but this time there were several of them. One scooped me up, holding my bottom in it's hand like a chair, while another seemed to grab the cuff section of itself, and pulled. As it did, it seemed to pop into a soft blanket that laid itself out in the floor. I was lain upon it, and the hands gathered around. I blushed, this new changing experience being a little... different for me. I stay silent the whole time, just watching the hands.*

    *Firstly, two try to pull the diaper off, but realize it's stuck on me. I look down at the held-fast diaper disappointingly, my hopes of getting out of it fading a little. Just then, one of them retracted a finger into the glove, and popped it back out. Still a finger, but now with a similar key shape on the end, it effortlessly clicks the button locks open on my diaper, the finger waggling back to normal as it's task is completed. Next it's popped open, revealing a mildly damp interior causing me to blush.*

    *It continues it's work by pulling it out from under me, and throwing it away in an ethereal trashcan that seemingly appeared from nowhere next to our little phantom changing station. Everything's ghostly in appearance, but opaque none the less, as I see wipes, powder and oil all appear next to me. Verifying my thoughts, I'm then wiped down generously, lifted a little as it got just about everywhere - then oiled all over down there, causing me to blush bright red. Only Daddy had ever oiled me before! >////<*

    *Lastly I'm sprinkled with a good bit off powder before one of the hands seemingly pops a diaper out from the open space in the back, where you'd put your hand in. Another hand fishes it out, and puts it under me. That hand is then assisted by two more, as they make short work of taping it on me.*

    *I'm then sat up by the hands, one patting me on the head, while another adjusts the leak guards and makes sure everything's in place. Finally, they all wave, and vanish in a series of pops and fizzles.* "Wooow! I state, looking down at my diaper. *The hands had even thought of that, as it was white with lacy looking designs on it, the taping zone reading "Princess Mingle".*

    *I look up, into the room now just teaming with desire to use my new bracelets for all sorts of things. "Where should I start?" I wonder... Just then, I hear the telltale sound of the playroom doorknob clicking as it's turned...*

    [Ummm.... Okay, so big favor. Please change that post you made to read that you sent me into the Playroom and changed me there. The inconsistency of both of our parts drives me bonkers!

    Also, I never want to type that much again in one sitting on an RP. I had to cover so much ground... I think this will be the last crazy long post. *holds hands as if praying* :3]
  4. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 09:48 AM
    DRX Dragon
    ( Dang this must be the longest post for an RP ever )
  5. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 08:55 AM
    DRX Dragon
    I sleep for a several hours Then I wake up and I go to the kitchen to make me a sandwich and pizza and then head on in to the living room and watch TV for several hours

    ( This got me thinking About an RP I did in the past except it wasn't good )
  6. MingleMonster
    March 21st, 16 08:41 AM
    *A faint clicking stirs me from my slumber, my eyes focus as I see you reaching in to get me from my crib. Not enthralled by you at all right now, I don't say anything in my stupor as I'm lifted up in the air. You comment on how heavy I am, but I pass this off as an insult directed towards my very uncomfortable bulky diaper you've so generously locked on me. Although it seemed extra uncomfortable... like it was constricting me a little.*

    *My feet meet the floor as I let out a little yawn and stretch my arms, still not entirely there. I always woke slow, but something was so peaceful about that sleep it seemed like I was almost still dreaming. I look up at you, watching you wrinkle your nose a little, and then pat the back of my diaper pushing me forward a little and telling me to head off to the playroom.*

    *I stumble as I'm pushed, and look back with a silent sneer, glaring at you. I turn back around and slowly meander through the door to the playroom, with you following me out, but heading down the hallway instead, for the stairs.*

    *As I enter the playroom, I spring across the spongy playmats, still trying to get sleepies out of my eyes. I spin around at the far end and plant my rear, the diaper not doing me any comfy favors in the slightest. "Was it always this uncomfortable?" I question in my head.*

    "Aaaa-choo!" I sneeze violently. *My head reels from the sneeze, like I'd just spun around too fast on a merry-go-round. When my vision corrects, I notice that things are a little... bigger than I remember them being. Wait, wasn't this room smaller once?*

    *My mind races a little bit, unsure what's going on. What I do know is that now my shirt isn't quite as bunched up as it was a second ago, and my diaper's a little less uncomfy. My shoes also feel a whole lot better...*

    "Yaaaaaaaahh-hhaaaawn!" *I shrug it off as strange sleep-to-wake silly thought. I wipe my little nose with my hand and flick it away from me. I didn't notice the shrinking, nor did I notice that my snotty nose was glittery before I wiped it.*

    *I see you coming back in with what looks like another wool diaper, and I frown into a grimace.*

    "Wha-? I thought my punishment was over!" I moan. *Still, you just push me down on my back onto the mats and set the key into it's button lock. After both locks are undone, I watch you snap them back... and then the smell hits my nose. I look down in horror to see that I messed myself!*

    "Bu-bu-but I never make messies when I'm sleepin'! Only babies mess their diapees in their sleep!" I announce before realizing what I just said with a hot blush.

    "Uh, I mean I..." *I grow silent, faltering to my own foot-in-mouth outburst. As you clean the mess (that seemed to get everywhere in the diaper, ewwww!), I'm powdered again and then the next wool diaper is quickly slid under me and closed off with a pair of snaps. The key goes back in place, securing the new tormenting garment in place, as I shudder a little and whine.*

    "Can't I get a normal diapee? This one's itchy, and I can't move!" I say. *I move back and forth a little, noticing that it feels tighter than the one you put on me yesterday... perhaps you found a smaller one, and wanted watch me suffer?*

    *I look up at you and you just smirk, you shake your head back and forth and I knew I'd be stuck in this one too. You ball up the other one and pull it up off the floor, closing the small gate on the inside shut, latching it, and adding insult to injury by closing the playroom's door too. I just cross my arms and pout in my itchy, tight-feeling diaper*

    [Okay, so two things: 1) I'm trying not to tell you what to do for the most part, as I like an open RP. But please edit your last post stating that you send me to the Playroom and such, as that'll drive me crazy. We were already in the nursery.

    2) I wasn't planning on growing her, at least not yet. I'm going to shrink her back down slowly, but I'll need a little time. If I could ask, can we leave her alone in the playroom for a single response timeframe until I can get her worked out? You can take yourself around the house, or scheme up something for me.

    As a side note: You said my post got you thinkin'. What'cha' thinkin' about? :3]
  7. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 08:02 AM
    DRX Dragon
    ( Whew that post got me really thinking lol )
  8. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 08:01 AM
    DRX Dragon
    Okay then next morning I go in to check on you and I unlock the door and your slightly bigger than a 5 year old though I don't notice it

    I unlock the crib and I pick you up and waking you up in the process and since your bigger I say " Dang you feel like a ton at the moment " As I place you down on the floor and I see that your diaper is completely messy so I have you walk to the playroom to get changed.

    Then after I change you since I stayed up all night I go to my room and take a nappy
  9. MingleMonster
    March 21st, 16 07:36 AM
    *My assaults must have been effective, as you stop for a moment and look me dead in the eye. I glare up with shimmering fire, determination mounting. This determination quickly squelched as I'm suddenly turned around on your side again, back in the football carrying position, but facing backwards. My stingy little bum shifting in my diaper, I fidget as I realize what's going on.*

    "N-*gasp*guh, noh-AAAHH!" *I'm not given any time to react. Five smacks to reignite the pain in my posterior, five smacks to send me back into a snotty bawling fit. I hear you talking about 'My place', and I have a hard time thinking about how I was out of line - of course, my thought process isn't quite on the right track.*

    *The spanking subsides sooner than I anticipate this time, but my position remains unchanged. I'm carried out of the room, I watch as it gets farther away from me, and then we turn a sharp right - We're going into Daddy's room!? I limply dangle along, feeling all of that determination slip from me...*

    "Whuh-... why are we...?" *I tried to ask. I'm brought up to his bed, and lain down upon it. Straightened out flush with the bed, I realize what's going on but can't do a thing to stop it, drained from my fussing. You undo the tabs of my diaper, and I see you reach for the drawer to your left and pull out a small carry-on sized container of wipes from it. The very same one that Daddy used when we went out and about... I assumed the rest of the travel kit was in there as well.*

    *The cool air feels nice against my fairly red, sore bottom. Even better is the cold wipes, feeling a little uncomfortable to the touch but heavenly against my searing backside. As those are tossed in the wire mesh wastebin, I see you grab the travel sized powder from the same drawer. I stare blankly at the ceiling, snotty and drooling a little as you powder down my regions, being sure to lift up my bottom and get under it. I notice you're using quite a lot of the poor little travel size container, but pay no mind too it, that is until I see you open the drawer beside it...*

    *I struggle and squirm hard, my legs in your hand. I know that drawer all too well, now remembering why else I never come up here - that drawer had all of Daddy's punishment things in it! Various implements of punishment, all designed mostly for discomfort, but the thing worrying me was the paddle. I struggle and struggle, not wanting another spanking atop the other two I'd received... But I suddenly stop as I notice you pulling the sodden diaper out from under me.*

    *"Maybe he's just prepping the area" I thought. Of course, I realized now why I'd had so much powder put down as I see the fluffy bolt pulled from the drawer. If the paddle was at the top of the list of bad things in there, this was no more than a few spaces just down the line.*

    *I squirm weakly, protesting with grunts and sounds but I can't find any words as the wool diaper is placed under me. I feel my bottom sink into it's interior, remembering how uncomfortable it is to even sit in it, as I'm powdered a little more.*

    *Without further delay, the front is grabbed and pulled up between my legs. The fluffy prison pressing into me as it's brought all the way up. Squirming was futile at this point, but I couldn't just accept being put in it, so I tried. Still, the two big golden buttons were clicked shut, and my fate was sealed.*

    *At least, the sealing part was over. There was still the locking mechanism to be had, as the keys rise from the drawer with a jingle. I see the round strongbox-looking key pop into one and turn inside of it, then repeated into the other just as smoothly. As you carelessly toss the keys back into the drawer with the other punishment tools, you close it with a raspy thud, repeating the process with the changing supplies and their respective drawer.*

    "N.... nooooo...." I manage to squeak out. *I'm lifted again, and put back on your hip. The stinging not having fully subsided, I jolt and squirm a little as the wool is pressed against my sore bottom. As we head out of Daddy's room, you toss the now balled up old diaper into the mesh pail. We bounce back down the stairs, to my tushie's dismay, and round the corner headed back down the hall on the main floor. The heavy wool seemingly weighing my whole bottom down, I squirm a little in it. The wool filled out the whole interior of the diaper, pressing into every bit of skin I had down there, making it's presence heard with every tiny movement.*

    *I think we're headed back to the playroom, but... Then you turn left. My eyes beam open, realizing this is yet another punishment.*

    "No no no, you already spanked me and this diaper's not comfy please please, no time out please!" I beg you.

    *Of course, your ears are deaf to all pleas, your purpose seemingly as singular as mine was back in the playroom. I'm lifted by my armpits over the crib bars, giving one final defiant wiggle as I'm dropped in and land on my diapered butt with a thud. I look up to see the crib lid being pulled out from the back and the hinges curving out - I'd almost forgotten that it'd had a lid after all this time, and start to shuffle around, the overly puffy diaper making that difficult. The lid comes down and attaches to the top railing of the bars, and you flip the tiny latches on both sides to lock the top down. I stand up, legs spread far apart by the silly garment, and grab the wooden bars with both hands, shaking it as if I could break them, but they didn't even rattle.*

    "Let me out, no no no no! Eh... Let me OUT!" *I start tearing up again, pressing my face close to the bars, showing my saddened expression in a final attempt at wrenching your heart to let me go. I see you lean down, thinking I might have a chance, I try to muster the biggest, teariest puppy dog eyes I can...*

    "Puh...pweeeease?" I say.

    *You simply lean your arms out a little, and grab my wrists through the bars, just fitting enough to be able to do so. You pull them both off the crib bars gently, and then lurch me backwards, causing me to fall on my woolly butt. I watch you turn around, without another word, and flick the light off on your way out, closing the door a tiny bit harder than you needed.*

    *I sniffle there, alone in the dark with no mobile, no nightlight and no Mr. Cuddles. There must have been clouds out that night, because the window wasn't providing really any light, seemingly dooming me to the darkness alongside you. I start to cry, and wail... but there's only so much I can do before I give up doing that, I lay flat with all of my limbs outstretched, and ponder my situation.*

    *I would have done just that for much longer had I not shifted ever so slightly, causing me to feel my wool diaper again. I sit up the best I can, legs still pressed apart by the fluffy interior. I couldn't feel anything else - Not the locking studs, not the plastic liner that keeps the exterior dry, nothing. Just itchy wool, and it was getting hotter and more uncomfy by the minute. I tug and pull at it, trying to get it to come off, but it's stuck on - nice and tight, too tight to take off...*

    *Something breaks within me, and I cry. I muster all of the strength I have left to cry out, and it just seems to perpetuate itself, each wail making me realize how much more hopeless my situation was. In all of my wailing, I didn't notice a faint glow spark up from behind me...*

    *Suddenly, a small glittery light flies around and lands in front of me. I look down, but even with this strange wonder, I can't stop my crying. The light looks up, now fading slightly, giving view to a cute little girl with pink curls and a shimmery little dress. If I was any more calm, I'd mistake her for a pretty baby doll, but right now I was too fired up on my own sad state to even comprehend the glittery figure.*

    *It doesn't speak, seemingly motioning out sounds. Each little wave of it's arm making a different chime or bell sound, none too similar to another, attempting to make contact. I just keep on crying, now simply closing my eyes and shrieking again in my self-perpetuated lament. The little glimmery being simply rests it's hand on it's forehead, before materializing the tiniest little wand, and swishing it in front of my face.*

    *A pacifier, seemingly made of the same sparkling material as the dress, appears in my mouth, I suck on it instinctively. The sudden generation of this startles me, and I try to spit it out, but with no avail. I reach up for the item, trying to yank it out, but it won't budge! I start to panic -*

    "MMM MM..." I mumble into it. *Yet I notice shortly after that I'm starting to feel... better. It wasn't just the pacifier, there was something about it that, as I sucked on it, seemed to wash all of my worries away. Slowly, I start to calm down, even letting my arms fall back away from the pacifier. The little glimmer of a creature nods her head with a happy expression, and pops the side of the pacifier with her wand, causing the object to flash and vanish in the same little display of glitter and bell chimes in which it appeared.*

    *I gasp, seeing that it's gone so suddenly, sort of missing it now that it wasn't stuck in my mouth. I look up at the fairy again, but suddenly realize that the dematerialized pacifier hadn't fully vanished - simply changed forms. It was still floating right in front of my face as a glittery vapor, which I inhaled just as I was realizing it was there. It smells like clean lakeside air, and it tastes like minty honey.*

    "Who are...?" I begin to ask. *I can't even finish my sentence, as I start to find my vision blurred slightly. The fairy's happy expression being one of the last things I see as I reel from the vapor. She bows in front of me in a curtsey, just as my head falls back into the waiting crib bedding, and I'm fast asleep.*

    [This is quite the workout for my hands - and I'm sure quite the waiting game for you. Still, plot has no bounds! Just kinda sorry that I'm making you wait so much. : / How am I doing, by the way? I don't know if this is how you planned for things to go...

    That being said, I have an idea of how I'm incorporating magic. Very soon, as the criteria are met. Just bear with me, and start us back up. ]
  10. DRX Dragon
    March 21st, 16 06:05 AM
    DRX Dragon
    After you call me a big meanie head I raise my arm up again and I spank you again another 5 times saying, " You need to learn your place "

    Then knowing your diaper is wet I change you and I put you into a heavy wool cloth diaper which you know is only used when your bad

    Meanwhile after I get done I carry you to your room and I place you into your crib and I close the lid on it and I lock it into place and I turn all the lights out making your room dark

    And after I leave I'm in the living room and a magic fairy appears in your room since your scared of the dark.

About Me

  • Information
    Hello, I'm MingleMonster, but you can call me Mingle! I love to RP, and have been looking for a new place to do some of those, this site looking to have a pretty active RP community. Looking forward too it! Other things I like are fruit candy, sunny days by the lake and of course diapers (my weakness is LittlePawz).

    My RP strengths are comprehensive writing and descriptive clarity. I prefer to work from a dominating role, although I can do sub roles. I usually run RPs about fantasy domination scenarios (Like Auto Nurseries and Magical Hands) as I find them the most fun. I usually don't like working with futa, maiming, or scat. Gender preference in RPs usually doesn't matter, although I lean more to domming over females as preferred to males. I do like to get intimate during these, but I can do sterile ones for the sake of the characters/rules.

    Aside from these things, I've had a hard time trying to do MLP RPs with people, and don't want to try anymore. Sorry! :(

    I guess that's it! If you're interested in doing an RP with me (especially if it fits the preferences above) leave me a PM and I'll try to get back too you when I've got the time. Later taters! :3

    --Credit for my profile picture goes to Toddlergirl--
    Between the 2nd and the 3rd sofa cushions - apt. 912
    RPs, Fishing, Internet Dwelling (does that count?)
    Being a MF Sorcerer! (ess?)
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  • Join Date: March 17th, 16
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