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  1. Bandit Keith
    November 9th, 14 04:28 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Yeah perhaps each time Alpha aids him the strength of the stasis increases for the warrior keeps upping its efforts,perhaps we could start the aid via Alpha needing to fix some time tampering Trayan did the tampering was to try and change earths dominant sapient life from humans to the other race believed to be one that challenged the ancestors of modern human(I can't at this time recall what the other race was at this time for some reason) Reason Trayan would have done so to try preventing Alpha from coming into being
  2. Bandit Keith
    November 9th, 14 03:27 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Humm I think that makes sense aswell. Would Alpha even after sending the warrior into the earth still have a mental link?
  3. Bandit Keith
    November 9th, 14 02:38 AM
    Bandit Keith
    I can work with that
  4. Bandit Keith
    November 9th, 14 01:02 AM
    Bandit Keith
    So any ideal rp wise for the one we had been talking about?

    I'm thinking about some time down the line in the rp at a point Alpha is forced to risk revealing himself to saved earth from a threat but oddly isn't found or so it seems on the Indrain radar . I'm thinking the threat could be some beast from long ago or to fall back on the Omake story I sent you via a pm (You know the one about the Indrains splitting and colonizing planets or sharing tech?) have something the Atlanteans originally made for if they was threatened be put online somehow but do to some damage or tampering a malfunction happened where it sees everything as a threat . The Atlantean aspect would be a global threat because it can repair itself and travel the planet without rest along with most attacks would be futile (Think of Aku absorbing the arrows and shooting them back at people as a ideal for futile )
  5. Master of games
    November 9th, 14 12:18 AM
    Master of games
    Oh yes that's a great idea heheh
  6. Master of games
    November 9th, 14 12:11 AM
    Master of games
    Hmm maybe he has a problem on the fake battle field as seras woops him xD
  7. Master of games
    November 8th, 14 09:26 PM
    Master of games
    I've made it but dunno how to make link xD
  8. Master of games
    November 8th, 14 09:13 PM
    Master of games
    That's perfect give me five minutes
  9. Master of games
    November 8th, 14 09:03 PM
    Master of games
    Just tell me what you want the thread to be named?
  10. Master of games
    November 8th, 14 09:03 PM
    Master of games
    It's going great sorry I took so long I was just finishing up my arrow for today

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  • Join Date: December 5th, 08
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