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Shirayuki Shirayuki is offline

Eternal Magical Girl

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Showing Visitor Messages 521 to 530 of 1771
  1. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 05:38 PM
  2. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 05:06 PM
    I’d say teasing works better, since her best friend is being put in diapers and is clearly flustered about it all.
  3. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:55 PM
    There’s not too much else to discuss, and I’d be fine with starting us off too! I’m thinking that the start would be Iris getting padded up for the first time to make sure she doesn’t end up making a mess mid class.
  4. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:49 PM
    Mhm, it certainly would work well with that idea! And those names could work for both of them as well, yes.
  5. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:40 PM
    Yep yep, pretty much. Although I could see that some of the professors that end up contracting it instead of becoming babbling puppy brained pamper packers instead develop a more parental instinct, treating the students like the babies they’re becoming. And as for a name…maybe something like Iris?
  6. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:29 PM
    I suppose that I would be fine with that, yes. I could probably see a fair amount of teasing in store for them since she’d have to be the first one in diapers, and would probably start experiencing further symptoms sooner than others.
  7. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:23 PM
    I’d say initially it’s kind of only there to impact them physically but not in a huge way. Mainly just weakening the bladder and bowels first before it can strengthen and potentially effect their overall muscle control or mental functions. And I’d say that it’d start around maybe a few days into the academy having it, so some students would need to be put in padding but not all of them right away.
  8. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 04:11 PM
    For any of them! Other professor ideas, ideas for students, or just in general! I’m always here to listen!
  9. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 03:56 PM
    Oooh, that could be interesting. I had a similar idea for a professor that essentially goes along with wearing diapers to try and comfort the students that have to wear them, only for them to end up becoming diaper dependent themselves. Any other ideas you got?
  10. Emerald
    July 6th, 24 03:15 PM
    Alright, I’m curious! What do you have in mind for both ends?

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    “Call me Shira, your neighbourhood perfect magical girl!”

    Dressed in a pastel pink and white magical girl outfit, the short little white haired girl struck a cute pose as she winked. Combined with an oversized large magical staff, the little outfit she wore was rather… short, especially the skirt… which didn’t do much to cover up the large crinkly heart-printed diaper around her waist.

    “This? Magical girls don’t need the potty…”

    She giggled innocently as she squatted down with a small grin, before concentrating and pushing as she quickly grunted and began filling up her diaper, creating quite a noticeable sag and huge bulge as the result of her little accident was made apparent inside her diaper… but she didn’t seem to mind.

    “See? I’m the cutest magical girl, right~” She giggles childishly as she sat onto the ground with a loud squish of her evidently very messy diaper, her eyes sparkling as she posed and winked with a cute gesture of her hand.

    “Ehe~ It’s a little poopy and stinky, but Magical Girls don’t need diaper changes!”

    Personally prefer wholesome slice-of-life ish RPs. Don't prefer 18+/NSFW RPs unless I reallly fancy the idea.
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  • Join Date: January 20th, 19
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