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October 22nd, 14 06:08 AMRukia~Chan*I giggle *
your gonna have a nice pile in your drawers to =) -
October 22nd, 14 06:04 AMRukia~ChanYeah but you have to poop as much as i am *i say sticking the same amount of stuff up your bottom*
Enjoy *i see you gulp and run to the bathroom to discover it was locked* -
October 22nd, 14 05:59 AMRukia~ChanIn your underwear .
*I say as you pulled your pants off revealing a pull up* -
October 22nd, 14 05:55 AMRukia~Chan*Felt you hug me as i pooped myself a lot*
Okay but i expect you to poop your pants still.
(Haven't got fare into it yet but i like it so far) -
October 22nd, 14 05:50 AMRukia~ChanWait please don't let me poop another mound in my pants.*i felt poop rising up my butt and than all over my privates*
October 22nd, 14 05:43 AMRukia~Chan*Squirms *
Wait no please! *I felt you hoist my legs up in the air as you put my pjs on me soon after there on i feel you look in the back of my drawers only to see several large logs of poop against my cute butt. *
Wait no I'm going to poop more! -
October 22nd, 14 05:32 AMRukia~Chan*You see my diaper stretch away from my waist six inches and see poop filling it up, and than i lift off the couch 4 inches*
Ugh i pooped myself . *i see you go get my pajamas .
Wait don't tell me this is my night diaper O.o -
October 22nd, 14 05:28 AMRukia~ChanIf I poop my pants will you poop your underwear *i ask sweetly*
October 22nd, 14 05:23 AMRukia~Chan*soon were watching tv and my stomach grumbles, I go to get up only to feel you push me back down on my butt on the couch and open my legs*
Your wanting me to sit in a mound of poop aren't you? -
October 22nd, 14 05:22 AMLady Momoko Hoshiko SatoNo, I want the responsibility of pullups, but at night I want diapers.
About Me
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- Biography
- Hello there! I'm Mary, it's nice meeting you. I don't RP too much nowadays except on discord. (Unless it's FE:3H or She-ra, I've been wanting to do one of those lately.) However, I can usually hold a conversation pretty well, and like meeting new people! Also, I prefer to RP as a girl, but can be somewhat flexible depending on the scenario.
Universe preferences:
She-ra (2018)
Fire emblem: three houses
Other RP shows I can do:
-Avatar (LoK or TLA)
-Probably a few other Western Cartoons (Totally Spies, Fairly Odd Parents)
Other things:
I greatly prefer fem-fem RPs, open to some degree on that though. So I will play m-f or f-m just talk with me about it, and possibly m-m but it has to be an idea that I really love in that case (won't actively look for non f-f).
Love having babying and/or caring moments in RPs.
Can do some lighter humiliation/punishment, but not preferred.
Enjoy wetting and messing (can go in detail if asked), but I think emotional moments and lots of caring/cuddly parts mixed in matter more to me now.
Long posts are my favorite, gives me more to work with and has a better story. Can do one liners, but I tend to get burnt out easily with those.
Please leave a note saying hello if you visit and would like to talk or have an idea you'd like to try! - Location
- Interests
- reading, writing, playing games.
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