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Yes I would love to do other rps along side it! Especially the one where Baby Angel gets turned into Alastor's sissy cum dump. Heck we can even incorporate tentacles into that rp!
Maybe we can start it with Robin getting caught in girls Pull-ups or just regular diapers and Star dominantly putting Robin in his place. I think Star should be futa for the Rp.
I would like to start the Robin one. Can you start it? And how should we start it? Also if you want to do the Angel and Alastor to, I want to be Angel.
Cool! Which one should we start first? Also if your up for it, how about an rp where Angel becomes Alastor's personal sissy baby slave? Also, should Flame Princess be Futa?
For Johnny test, his sisters find out that Johnny has a secret feminine side after one of their experiments, and they all baby him. For Steven Universe, diaper babies Lapis and Steven are babied by Connie, Pearl and Peridot. For FOP, Timmy is babied by Cosmo, Wanda, and Tootie. And Teen Titans, Raven is babied by her Dommy Mommy Starfire. Also I would like to do a Big Hero 6 rp.