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hmm... I wish I was a rich guy but sadly I don't have that in fact I barely make enough to live I just have a lot of free time, I don't have any friends because I don't make an effort to get to know people IRL, I am only 20 years old in my girlfriend lives around 200 miles away so visiting her usually isn't an option and I work throughout the day and at night, today is my only off day for another 6 days, that is why I am online in the afternoon today, I just relax at night is when I'm primarily on here, but if you think you can post at least once a day or once every two days I would be willing to RP with you again even though I feel like you forgotten who I am
Well, i got a little nosey when i went to leave a message and saw his stuff, i mean, i can understand being upset and wanting to drop an rp if it waits too long, but he still could have been civil about it
I don't know what's wrong with you used to be a lot nicer, reason I stopped rping is because it took such a long time and I tolerated that for what 6 to 12 months finally it gets to a point where people just get tired of reminding others because that is not what I want to do I want to RP but not if people are going to act like this