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Dragon emperor Dragon emperor is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 961 to 970 of 4360
  1. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 03:06 PM
    (Why yes I do of course, what is yours for Discord.)
  2. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 03:05 PM
    Sky: I thought you'd never ask, wehehhe, this'll be fun.'

    Blaze: For my first time it was fun, I know you'll like it too.

    Ash: Right you are Blaze, right you are.
  3. MingleMonster
    August 17th, 20 03:26 AM
    I didn’t exactly like how we were doing it before... : /

    But I’m willing to talk about it and see if we can find a compromise or something.
  4. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 01:53 AM
    Ash: Those aren't pull-ups, they are flying type diapers, mama nurse joy, said so.
  5. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 01:11 AM
    Ash: Silly Pikachu, we're at home, oh, you mean this one, I got her myself, wanna name her too?
  6. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 12:53 AM
    Ash: Of course, Nurse Joy will probably have one soon, never know.
  7. Starynight
    August 17th, 20 12:25 AM
    It is your turn on our to my friend.
  8. sweetykins
    August 17th, 20 12:06 AM
    Blaze: TY, this reminds me of my first time bein changed, nurse's everywhere, all nurse Joy's and Chansey's, Blissey', even Happiney's were there, cleanin me up, it was heaven, but still, I was missin one thing, a home, but now that I have one, as it's all thanks to you all, I now feel real love from now on.

    Ash: You're right son, we will have so many stinker/wetter's, baby Pokémon of all kinds, it'll be one big happy family for = all eternity.
  9. sweetykins
    August 16th, 20 11:11 PM
    Blaze: Hehehehe, this reminds me of my first time bein changed as a baby Charmander, however, this is the best day ever, now that I have a home now, after changing time, can we see our bedroom/nursery please, I wanna know if the bed is long enough for many Pokémon to join in, just in case we find more for the family is all, sound good or no Pikachu bro and daddy?
  10. sweetykins
    August 16th, 20 09:53 PM
    Blaze: Hehehe, peed on yah, me a good boy for doin so, am I?

About Me

  • Information
    I enjoy any role play that involves anime animals such as Pokémon digimon buddyfight or any other animated animal along with anime diaperings in general
    Digimon,mlp,fairy tail, Pokemon, any anime with cute animals or other animals getting diapered
    Roleplaying Status
    Happy to play any character who will get diaper changed
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    Top / Dominant
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  • Last Activity: March 11th, 25 03:26 PM
  • Join Date: August 1st, 17
  • Referrals: 0


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