Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 97
yeah^^ so how are you doing today?^^
November 16th, 08 11:10 PM
twirls foot on ground
November 15th, 08 04:02 AM
Hi Im Corey the Random...XD Nice to meet you too
November 14th, 08 09:06 PM
I love your profile pic, but I guess my avi explains why
Tehehe I am Girl. But hey that is okay I have never been much of girl. I always liked boy things like mud and Hot Wheels and stuff like that Power Rangers once upon a time that is XD and I still love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So I dun mind if you call me a boy.^^ I get that on a lot of websites anyway^^ I guess I give a male appearance or something. XD
November 9th, 08 12:33 PM
-blushes more smiling-
November 9th, 08 05:55 AM
-blushes hugging you not pulling away-
November 9th, 08 05:44 AM
What...? *luna gets confused easily and it's 1 in the morning so she gets tried*
November 9th, 08 05:41 AM
kisses- it's ok sweetie