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Maybe. But afterwards, do you finally want 8 to come out to her Mama-Marina and Papa-Pearl? I like the nicknames I came up with for them! It's very cute.
Excellent! Sounds perfect! So do we want to introduce Pearl and Marina into the mix next? Have them and 8 show off their sort of family bond together by having Pearl being the chill, caring, and teasing parent while Marina is the doting, kind, worry-wort of a mother to 8. Ya know, the kind that gets anxious about what's going on with their "baby's" lives and needs the other one to reassure them that everything is fine. I think it would be really cute!
Just a kinky little girl looking to rp with someone practically all the time. Will be willing to do rps with original settings but will also do rps based on the following series:
Digimon (seasons 1-3)
Keroro Gunsou
Madoka Magica
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Lucky Star
Fairy Tail
Girl Friends (a yuri manga)
Sailor Moon
YuGiOh (Original and GX)
Fairly Oddparents
Phineas and Ferb
Totally Spies
Kid Icarus
Non Non Biyori
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Star Vs. TFOE
Super Smash Bros.
Kill la Kill
Miraculous Ladybug
Code Lyoko
I prefer f/f rps but may do m/f or f/m depending on the situation of the rp we are discussing to do. I also mostly play sub and prefer to have the characters' ages set to 18+. Can either do it here or on Skype.
Over there somewhere
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Master of Shadow and Dark... Stones Have Power of Stars... Complete All Seven... So That We, the Great Ones... Can Live Again by the Stone... We Know the Stars Spurn Us... And That the Skies Lie... But the Stars Bring Balance.
Just a kinky little girl looking to rp with someone practically all the time. Will be willing to do rps with original settings but will also do rps based on the following series:
Digimon (seasons 1-3)
Keroro Gunsou
Madoka Magica
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Lucky Star
Fairy Tail
Girl Friends (a yuri manga)
Sailor Moon
YuGiOh (Original and GX)
Fairly Oddparents
Phineas and Ferb
Totally Spies
Kid Icarus
Non Non Biyori
Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Star Vs. TFOE
Super Smash Bros.
Kill la Kill
Miraculous Ladybug
Code Lyoko
I prefer f/f rps but may do m/f or f/m depending on the situation of the rp we are discussing to do. I also mostly play sub and prefer to have the characters' ages set to 18+. Can either do it here or on Skype.