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LunaLostfell LunaLostfell is offline

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About Me

  • Information
    Luna lostfell~

    Bio: A human girl who has gone through the classic and overused isekai. She was isekai'd at the young age of nine and dragged to another world to be its savior. She was trained till she was 14 and then introduced to the other hero's who would help her finish her task. After another 5 grueling years she completed her what she was summoned to do but it came at a heavy cost. During the final battle the three other hero's she had been traveling with lost their lives one by one till she was the last standing. She finished off the final boss but was heavily damaged as a result. As her quest was finished the gods sent her back to her home dimension as she laid on the ground bleeding out. When she awoke she was down an arm, had scars covering the left half of her body, and was stuck in diapers due to her organs having been damaged. She was informed of stuff that had occurred while she was away. The girl's parent died quietly after years of being accused of murdering luna. Once healed as much as possible she was sent to her former residence and sunk into a deep depression only doing what was necessary to keep living.

    Appearance: 4'8 with pale skin and ankle length white hair. Her eyes are grey making them reflect and absorb light from around her making them appear to be diffrent colors. Her body appears to be frail without an ounce of meat on her bones. Her left arm is a mechanical prosthetic that tends to not always move the way she wants due to her not going to her physical therapy appointments. A scar on her left eye makes it appear a little bit more pale than her other one but is usually covered by her hair.
    Looking at art, reading, tv, sleeping, shopping
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    Bottom / Submissive
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  • Last Activity: July 16th, 24 08:36 AM
  • Join Date: March 1st, 24
  • Referrals: 0

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