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AB Avery AB Avery is offline

unsure how often i'll be about

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31877
  1. Emerald
    Yesterday 07:51 AM
    Ahhh, I see. I suppose that’s certainly one unique way to discover your interests there. I do wonder if I’ll ever have a dream like that.
  2. Emerald
    Yesterday 03:55 AM
    Weirdly enough, I've never really had an ABDL or ABDL adjacent dream. Maybe I have, but I don't remember it. I do wonder what it's like though.
  3. Emerald
    January 11th, 25 03:34 AM
    Mm, most of mine are usually a lot more...relaxed, so to speak? Lowkey to an extent. But it's always got some aspect that I remember that I just go "Well that was a bit strange" to. Sometimes it's usually because I'm in the shoes of someone else, someone that I can safely say is prettier than me so to speak.
  4. Emerald
    January 10th, 25 10:39 PM
    Jeez, that does certainly sound rough. I don’t really remember most of my own dreams tbh, but some that I do remember are rather nice at least.
  5. Emerald
    January 9th, 25 10:49 PM
    Oh wow, that certainly sounds like it'd be a trip and a half for sure.
  6. Emerald
    January 9th, 25 04:06 AM
    Oh, 100% it sucks. My body is especially weird because when I get sick I get like. SUPER sick. So I was really miserable for the whole time period.
  7. Emerald
    January 9th, 25 01:34 AM
    Yeah, it ain't all that great. Especially with the fact that one of the things I caught was Covid.
  8. Emerald
    January 8th, 25 03:21 AM
    Eh, been okay. Recently finished up my most current semester, and I'm waiting for the next one. Unfortunately between the waiting period I've managed to somehow get sick twice so it's not that great.
  9. Emerald
    January 7th, 25 10:57 AM
    Uhm, hey! Certainly has been a bit since we had a chat...though definitely through no fault of our own there, huh. How're you doing though?
  10. Emerald
    November 11th, 24 04:32 AM
    Mmmm, yeah. That is a rather rough and sensitive topic for a lot of people ain't it.

About Me

  • Information
    Hi everybody. I love to RP. I'd prefer it femalexfemale rps and that there are no Anthros.
    I am currently pursuing my masters is social work, focusing on clinical social work to become a counselor. I've had a lot of trauma in my past, and I absolutely am willing to help anyone out who needs an ear to talk to. We're an odd bunch, and it can be hard to find comfort in someone who doesn't really know what can be a major part of your identity.

    I do write on rare occassion, you can find my writings at https://www.deviantart.com/ab-avery/gallery

    please don't just message me with little things like "i'm stinky change me" its just... not fun. I don't want my relationships to just be superficial goofy abdl stuff anymore. I can work with it, but please understand I want to be able to talk like an adult still when I feel thats better for the both of us.
    Gaming, Reading, Rping
    Social Worker in Training
    Roleplaying Status
    All F/F is welcome!
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    Post Length Preference
    Variable, but always quality over quantity
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  • Signature
    A super cute photo. (Credit to Zee Rage Man)


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:30 AM
  • Join Date: October 7th, 12
  • Referrals: 0


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